Ch- 30 (The starry nights)

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Skip a few days.
Avneet was sitting with her family in their living room listening to the news. She was lazily scrolling her phone completely ignoring the blabbering of the news but suddenly a topic caught her attention.

"One of the richest and top industrial business man of India, Mr. Asmit Nigam has been caught."
(Sorry I can't think of a better name at this moment!)

Her eyes widened and her gaze shifted to the television screen. Jai was quick to notice the change in her behavior. 

"Years ago, the owner of Nigam Industries, Aneeta Nigam, suddenly passed away which was believed to be a heart attack. After that her second husband, Mr. Asmit have been looking after it."
(I didn't want to give Vibha Aunty's name. Sorry!)

"Mr. Asmit has been caught of dealing with drugs and poaching. He is linked with a mafia center. The company is currently facing loss. The sudden fall of The Nigam Industries have caught the attention of the country."
The news channel continued.

"The agency that has been exposing them has assured us that they will be giving more information. Till then, stay tunes only on The India Times."

Avneet's eye sparkled. 
"He has succeeded. Almost succeeded to take revenge from his step dad." She thought. 

How badly she wanted to hug him and congratulate him... She blamed the destiny...At such a cruel time she wanted to stand beside him. 
That night, she sat by her balcony looking at the stars, the way she does every day. These stars doesn't let her feel that she isn't with Siddharth as she stared at them a lot when she was at his place. A thousands of good memories would flash in her mind and she would smile...

But little does she know that someone stares at her too? 
Every night, without missing a single chance to see her? 
Even if it rains or the weather is too hot? 
Does she know that the person smiles staring at her and gains the energy and mental power to fight his fears and concentrate on his goal? 
Every night, he would stare at her and watch her shine in the moonlight, or the dim light from her room...
How eternal she looks... 
He wants to get back to her and hug her tight; and tell her that he was at the peak of success. But he didn't want to hurt her... his life was complicated, and he didn't want her to be a part of it. His life was at a risk, he would get caught by the police anytime soon as the Roa's have collected a lot of fake information about him. He didn't want her to lead a miserable life.  

Jai knocked at her door. Avneet came out of her thoughts and wiped her tears. She went in. 

Jai- Avu, Either you are telling or I will abunden you as my sister. 
She smiled. 

Avu- I would be the happiest. Trust me. 
Jai- I am serious Avu!

Avu- Hi serious! I am Avneet. 
Her eyes teared up a little as the memory of her replying the same to Siddharth once flashed on her mind. 

Jai- Avu, are you fine?
Avu- Ind-deed. 

Her voice broke in the end and he  hugged her. He knows Avneet more than herself. Surely she is annoying and Jaijeet wants to get rid of her, but he can't see his "chudail"  in pain. 
She hugged him back and let her tears flow. He rubbed her back to console her but he was in a verge of breaking down too. Avneet never cries like this. 

They broke the hug. 

Jai- Avu? Are you telling me? Or...
She spoke up before he could complete. 

Avu- I fell in love with him.

There was a moment of silence. Jaijeet suddenly laughed out making her frown. 

Jai- Are we playing the game of lies? Okay then Reem hates me.
Avu- I am serious Jai.

Jai- Hi serious, I am Jai!
She looked down. 

Jai- A-avu you are k-kidding right?
She shook her head. 

Avu- I badly fell in love with him Jai! I am madly in love with him. I can't forget him. I have tried.
Jai- You mean your kidnapper? 

Jaijeet still couldn't belief her sister. She is an anti romantic, how can she fall in love? 
She told him each and everything. The way she was treated, the way he changed and Abhishek- Vaishnavi. She told him everything except their kisses. 

Avu- YOU! Should I bring a mike for you to announce it! Stop shouting for fuck's sake. 

Jai- He didn't touch you right? 
Avu- He didn't.

Jai- You should have told him about your occupation...somewhere you are wrong too. 
Avu- I know.. What can I do now? 

Jai- Trust on your fate a little more! That is what I can say. 
He placed his hand on her shoulder.  

Jai- I don't know why I feel you guys can end up together. 
Avu- Stop giving me fake hopes. He hates me. 

Jai- Trust your fate. Remember, your life hasn't come to an end. Just see how it has planned your life. 
Avu- You are really the worst motivator.

Jai- Thanks for the information you worthless piece of shit!
Avu- At least I am better than you, I still remember mom and dad picked you from the garbage can. You were crying too loud and we pitied you. 

Sonia was coming to Avneet's room to ask her to bring a new groom. She has been forgetting to tell it to her and now when she recalled it, she thought to tell her before it gets out of her head again.
As she opened the room her eyes widened. Avneet was holding Jai's collar while he held her hair. They were cursing each other and fighting like 2nd graders. Or maybe nowadays 2nd graders too doesn't fight as they are busy with their girlfriend\boyfriend. 

Avneet and Jai looked at her and immediately sat down. 

Sonia- When will you two grow up!
Jai- Mom, she said you picked me from dustbin!
Avu- Mom he said I am a worthless piece of shit. 

Jai- She cursed me. 
Avu- He began first. 

Sonia- If I hear a single noise from your rooms, you aren't getting food tomorrow. 
Jaijeet and Avneet glared each other. 

Sonia left. 
Jai- Don't you dare to cry over that man, orelse I will beat you up!
Avu- He is better than you. 


Sonia shook her head with disbelief while descending the stairs. 
Sonia- You guys are not getting....

Jai- Good Night Avu! You are the sweetest sister which I hope no one ever gets. 
Avu- The feeling is mutual Jai...Good Night!

Sonia- These kids...But, did I forget something? Ah nevermind. 

One of you asked me for a long chapter, but I couldn't make it longer with more and more emotional scenes, so I promise to make the next or chapter 32 real long.

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