Ch-25 (Back to old terms?)

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The next night:
Avneet was watching reels when Siddharth entered the room. His hair were messy and he looked angry. He directly went to his showcase and took out a fine bottle of high wine. 

Avu- Siddharth...Siddharth don't drink that please.
But he didn't bother to listen. He opened the cap and sipped it. 

She got up from the bed. 
Avu- Share your problem with me but please keep that away. 

Siddharth was already irritated because of a little failure. 
Sid(cold)- Don't disturb me!

Avneet knows how high those alcohol are and the harm they causes. They are strong. And it is not good for him.

Avu- I understand, but...
She couldn't complete her sentence as he moved closer towards her and grabbed her hair, pulling her close to him. 

She hissed of pain, but ignored it.
Avu- I will listen to you.

His eyes were red. 
Sid(deep)- Did I tell you to ease my problems! 

Avu-D...drinking isn't g...good for you.
Sid(cold)- Did I ask for your advice!

Avu- Why are you behaving like this!
Sid- Just because I am tolerating you doesn't mean you can rule me Avneet! 

He held her jaw roughly leaving her hair. 
Sid- You should be glad that I kept you alive...providing you with food and water, giving you safety. If it was someone else than you, I would have killed them on spot. 

Her eyes teared up. She was trying to help him. She thought of him before her. Was it her mistake?

Avu- Y-you are hurting m-me. 
He smirked listening her and held her jaw even tighter. 

Sid- Don't try to poke into my business! 
He pushed her and gulped some of the drink. He went to his balcony. She looked at her in the mirror. She had his fingerprints in her jawline. 

Avu(in mind)- I know you aren't in your right mind, but why did you behave like this? Was all my efforts thrown into the water? Sometimes I feel different for you. Am I doing wrong? Am I just a girl whom you kidnapped mistakenly? 

She wasn't in love with him but she knew she had a soft spot for him. She was highly in love with the mafia-romance fictions and here she was experiencing it. How could she not like it then? But, is Siddharth the person she has always been dreaming of? 
She isn't in love yet, though she is aware of the fact that if this continues, she might fall for him. She liked his soft-gentle, caring and cute nature. And it was going to a different track.

She washed her face and laid on their bed slowly drifting off to sleep. 
While Siddharth kept drinking. 

He wasn't angry for that minor failure anymore. He was loosing his senses. 

Sid(in mind)- Why the fuck did I shout at her! Doesn't she deserve it? Who has asked her to help me! Why is she bringing me back to life! Back to my old self? 

He threw the bottle from his balcony and it broke into pieces. He was tipsy already. He went to his washroom and changed his dress. 
Finishing his chores he laid beside her. While pulling the blanket he noticed the mark of his fingerprint on her jawline. 

Sid(in mind)- Did I hurt you that much?
He caressed her cheek and her jaw. 

Sid(in mind)- I am sorry. I am really sorry Avneet. But why are you doing this to me! I can't hold myself back from those strange feelings... 
Sleep endured his eyes. Her sweet scent always calms him. He fell upon her hugging her by her waist and soon slept.
Avneet woke up from her sleep. She was feeling a huge weight upon her. It was the morning already and she was quick to see that he was hugging her like a koala. 

Avu(in mind)- I will still try to help you though you don't want.

She caressed his hair. She slowly managed to lay him properly and went to the washroom. 

Siddharth woke up after a few minutes missing her warmth. He had insomnia, but not now, when he lays with her. It's strange to him. His head was paining but on top of that he was guilty. He did wrong with her. She was probably in the balcony, as she spent most of her there. He quietly freshened up and went to Abhishek. 

Abhi- Why at this hour?
Siddharth went in.

Sid- I messed up.
Abhi- Still thinking about yesterday? It is a minor problem, don't worry I will fix it soon.

Sid- No dada...actually I...Avneet.
Abhi- You misbehaved with her?

Sid- Yes.

Sid- Hey! Stop it! I just held her cheeks roughly. Thats it. 
Abhishek sighed of relief. 

Sid- And I said those rude words to her which I shouldn't have. 
Abhi- Maybe you can take her out? She wants freedom. Maybe she will forgive you?

Sid- Okay I got it. Thanks. 
He left.

Abhi- Oh yeah! Its working. They are working. She is changing him back to his old form. She is making it possible. He is worried about her, he is thinking about her and he isn't hesitating to apologize to her. Maybe life will take a turn soon?

Author- Sorry guys I had conjunctivitis so I took long to update. Hope you enjoyed. 

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