Ch- 34 (New beginning?)

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These days Siddharth have been working on his company. He is turning it from a mafia agency to a business. He has studied the topic during his college years.
He had the human resource and the labor. He also had capital in hand. So it wasn't too tough for him for a start up. 
But he hasn't told about this to Avneet. He has a plan in his mind and he wants to surprise her. They had calls whenever they wanted to talk but after that late night drive, they didn't meet. Both were busy in their personal life and they supported their space and decision.  

Presently, Siddharth, Abhishek and Vaishnavi were sipping their cup of tea and having an important decision. 

Abhi- Okay so what do you guys say about this? 
Vai- I agree. 

Sid- Shouldn't we include Avneet too? 
Yes, Siddharth has confessed about his love for Avneet to his brother and soon to be sister-in-law and they had kept it a secret: although Siddharth has given enough hints about his feelings to Avneet. 

Abhi- How can we ask her to choose a house altogether when you don't have the courage to propose her?
Vai- Yes Siddharth, dude you guys are having the perfect time of your relationship, go confess to her before it is too late. 

Sid- B-but what id she r-reject me? 
Vai- Are you a fucking fool Siddharth? How did you manage such a big mafia agency with this mind of yours. She clearly loves you back. 

Abhi- I supported you when you said you needed some time Siddharth, but you should propose her now. It has really been a long time. 
Vai- And if you don't how  can we ask her to choose our future house? When there isn't an official guarantee that she will be the future wife of yours!

Siddharth had a tint of blush. 
Sid- Di, You got to stop this!

Vai- Aww my blushy baby!
Abhi- Coming back to the point, When are you proposing her?

Sid- I will just ask her to date me for now, I will propose her for our marriage after taking permission from her dad by proving my qualifications. 

Abhi- That is a good idea.
Vai- In addition to that, our business will son have a huge growth because of all our hard work and the involvement of mind. 

Sid- Okay, I will propose her tomorrow then!
Abhi- That is the spirit!
Vai- Hey, you better take some suggestions from me about marriage. Don't propose her the way Abhishek did to me. 

Abhi- But it had all my feelings. 
She was trapped into his puppy eyes. 
Vai- When did I say I didn't like it? I told Siddharth to propose her in a different way. 
Sid- Don't worry didi, I might not be over-romantic like dada, but I do know how to pamper my girl. 
Vaishnavi teased him with a "Ohooo" sound, while Abhishek sat there thinking whether to join Vaishnavi or to begin a fight because Siddharth had "insulted" him. 

Avneet was on her way to home. She had visited Reem. Though Reem is Jai's girlfriend,  but Avneet and she shares the bond of best friendship. 

Suddenly she was pulled by a strong force and was pinned to the tree. The lane was mostly quite and lonely and that is why she loves this place. She knows how to defense herself, so she has no worries of being harmed. 

Avu- What the fu...
Her words didn't come out of her mouth when her eyes met with the hazel orbs that she has fallen in love with. 

Sid- It is me...
Avu- Dude, have some manners, I was about to hit you now!

She said letting a deep breathe of sigh. 
Sid- I know you won't hit me. 

Avu- What makes you think so? 
Sid- Well, neither I did when I kidnapped you, so its like a pay back. 

He said while caging her between the tree and himself. Her breathe hitched no matter how many times he has caged her. 

Sid(huskily)- Why were you roaming here alone in this dark lane?
Avu- I can protect myself Sir, you need not to worry. 

Sid- I ain't worrying, I was just asking you. 
She nodded her head with her attitude and leaned to him. 

Avu- Really?
She used her sweet voice. 

He felt butterflies in his stomach. She stomped her foot on his and he winched of pain. 
Avu- Bye!

Sid- Hey wait! 
But she walked without looking back. 

After walking a distance, she heard a female voice. She wasn't much far from him. 
She quickly turned back to see a girl in her short dress walking up to Siddharth who was staring at her. 

Avneet frowned and hid behind a house. 

Girl(flirty)- Hi, Myself Surbhi!
Sid- Uh hello?

Surbhi- I saw you first on that cafe that day. I saw you helping a child. 
She falsely blushed. 

Surbhi- Maybe we can see each other?
He smiled awkwardly. 

Sid- Uh sorry, I already have my eyes on someone. 
Surbhi- That girl who just walked past here? 

Sid- Uh no...
He lied not wanting Surbhi to target Avneet. He doesn't know what kind of a girl she is and he would risk Avneet's life. 
But he wasn't aware that someone who had her eyes on him was burning of jealousy. 

Surbhi- Oh! I thought you guys are dating. 
Siddharth turned a little on his right to let out his irritating expression he has been holding for long, when he noticed the girl who was peeking at them hiding behind a wall. 
He smirked and thought to tease her. 

Sid- No we aren't. 
Surbhi- Okay, I gotta go then...

She turned back but intentionally twisted her leg and fell on Siddharth. 

She stared at him without blinking trying to get his attention, but he quickly got rid of her. Avneet couldn't stay still anymore. 
She took long steps and walked up to them. 

Siddharth gulped looking at her furious figure. She was scary when angry. Surbhi was disturbed by her aura too. 

Avneet went in front of them and pushed her a little. She held his arms, clinging onto it. 

Avu- Sorry girl, he has to come with me because I have something to talk with him. You can try your tricks later on him. 

 She dragged Siddharth with her leaving Surbhi dumbstruck. 

She removed her hands from his arm and looked at him narrowing his eyes. 
Sid- What is wrong? 

Avu- You were flirting!
Sid- So? 

She passed him a cold gaze to which his heart skipped a beat but he quickly got stable. 

Sid- Why are you so pissed off?
Avu- Who is your girl of dreams!

Sid- Why should I tell you? 
Avu- Why shouldn't you!

He stepped closer. 
Sid- I asked first. 
She stepped closer too.
Avu- Don't you dare to fly into the air I am warning you!

She turned back and was about to leave when he held her arm and pulled her closer to him when she collided with his chest. 

Sid-  So jealous baby
He said in his deep voice while bringing his face too close to her. 

She pushed him hard. 
Avu- Don't you dare to flirt with me you idiot!

She turned her face away with her swag and walked away. He stood there smiling at her disappearing figure. 

"I will reveal my dream girl's name tomorrow, darling!"


- Idk, why I have written the few lines below, but it isn't connected to the story. 

I have moved on from you...
Trust me. 
I honestly don't care if you get into a relationship...
Trust me.
I don't get jealous seeing you close to other girls anymore...
Trust me.
But my heart still skips a beat when your eyes capture mine...
Trust me.

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