Ch-1 (Getting her job)

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Before starting the first chapter, i would like to call out my bff delta_nights who helped a lot to me in ploting and others.

It was a bright morning with the birds chirping....the sun has shone after few continuous days of raining.

A girl woke up stretching her arms and yawning.

Girl- Woah! The sun is looking happy too.

She got down of her bed.

Girl- It will be a tough day Avneet.... I wish myself a good luck.

So she is revealed to be the protagonist of the story.

She brushed her teeth and took a quick bath. She went downstairs and found her mom working in the kitchen and her dad reading newspaper.

Avu- Good Morning mom and dad.
Aman- Good Morning!

Sonia- Avu! Call your brother, he will be late for his university again.

She mumbled.
Avu- That donkey is again late.

She went to Jaijeet's room and didn't bother to knock.
She found him sleeping peacefully and thats when she likes to irritate him the most.

And she began to beat a bowl with a spoon near his ear, that made a terrible unpleasant noise. She have always had things prepared in his room which Jai himself is unaware of.

Avu- You idiotic donkey! Have you seen the time. You will be late for your university again!

Jai- Okah I am going , but you just go out. Give me five more minutes.
Avu- I dont think Reem will have a good impression of you if you again go late today.

Jai jumped and sat up.

Jai- I hate you!
Avu- As if I am dying to love you!

Jai- Can't you just go out!
Avu- I don't trust you. You'll again go to sleep once I leave. So you should go to washroom first and then I promise to leave.

Jai went to the washroom and slammed the door. She chuckled at her brother.

Avu- Such a lover boy!
(Rolling her eyes) BUT A PURE DONKEY!

While having breakfast:

Jai- Dad...
Aman- Yes?

Jai- Tell that chudail not to get nervous and answer all the questions smartly.

Sonia- You had a fight again?
Avu- That donkey began. I was just waking him up.

Aman- You guys will never stop calling each other with these names. Will you?

Sonia- Look at the other cutely they addresses each other as dada-didi-bhai and so on. You guys are!

Jaineet- Oh please!

Avu- Mom tell someone that I am not a drama king like him and I am confident enough.

Sonia and Amandeep looked and each other and shook their head in disbelief.

Today was a big day for Avneet. After she gave a short test she was selected as a spy to a secret agent. She had been working on this course for years now and she is a skilled spy. She knows a lot if codes, secret signs, handling of guns and others.
If she can answer all the quetions correctly to the agency, she will be selected as their permanent worker.

Jai- Bye mom. Bye dad.
He showed his tongue to avneet which she returned back.

She went to her room to get ready.

She went to her room to get ready

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Her outfit.

Soon it was the time for her to leave so she touched the feet of her parents, took her blessings and went to the agency.
Somewhere else:

Sm1- This is your last chance. Either reveal the name or get ready experience a taste of the hell.

Man- Please leave me. I will die if I tell you.

Sm1- Well I will kill you too. Anyways, I don't like pleadings and all.

He turned to his assisstant.

Sm1- Torture him till he spilts and don't waste too much on him. If he doesn't open his mouth, just use the gun.

He left.

The room was soon filled with the man's scream and it ended as a gunshot was heard.

Avu- May I come in Sir?
The man she refered as "sir" replied with assertion.

"Come in".

She went in with confidence.

Man- Miss Kaur right?
Avu- Yes sir.

Man- Myself Ramesh. I will be judging your skills. So are you prepered?
Avu- Yes Sir.

The man judged her asking various questions related to complecated codes, signs and few languages.
She passed in all of them.

Ramesh- Hmm impressive. You are appointed as our secret spy. You don't need any special classes as you are already trained. Do you have any work experiences?

Avu- No sir. I knew them as I studied on them.

Ramesh- Okay. We will give you a little tasks right from tomorrow and soon you will get the first mission of your life. Is that understood?

Avu- Yes sir.
Ramesh- For further enquiries like work hours, information privacy etc. please contact the office
Avu- Sure Sir. Thank you so much.

She took his leave with a happy smile.

Avu- I got my dream job. Finally!


That was the first chapter.
I hope you liked it. Please share your reviews if you will to.
Thank You

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