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Avneet was wondering where she was brought when he heard his voice.
Sid- Stay still. 

She knew it was her clumsy guy who is the boss of The Nigams. She also knew how dangerous he was, and he won't hesitate to shot her at spot. She also saw the death of her team member in front of her and that too because of her indirectly.

She felt him approaching closer to her. His hands went to her hair as he opened the cloth off her eyes.

Sid- I heard that you tried to run away.
Avu- I...I want to inform my family.... they are worring about me.

Sid- (coldly) So?
Avu- Why did you kidnap me? I am not from you rival group....then?

He smirked. He removed his mask. She had already seen his face so there was no point of hiding from her.

Sid- Let me check how strong your mind is girl!

It was a bright day. Siddharth was in 3rd year. He was talking via his phone who would propose his love.
But suddenly he bumped with a girl and he held her by her waist to stop her from falling.
Sid- I love you....Will you be my girlfriend...

The girl pushed him.
Girl- Sorry, I am focused to my career now.

Sid- I didn't mean that listen to me...
Who would make the girl understand that he was talking on phone with earpads.

He held her hand to stop the misunderstanding but she jerked his hand.

Girl- I said I am not interested in you! Don't you dare to touch me.
She left from there leaving him dumbstrucked.


Sid- You remember something?
Avneet recalled and understood she was the girl he was speaking about.

Avu- were that boy?
Sid- I was on a call darling, but you were more desperate to make me yours.

Avu- I didnt know that. You should have cleared.
He held her cheeks.

Sid- Voice low. I held your hand but you jerked me remember? You even showed me sassiness that day on starbucks.

Avu- I tried helping you, you instead showed attitude when did I was I being sassy?

Sid- This is your punishment. You have to stay here forever.

Avu- This is so silly. Please try to understand, I have my own life

Sid- Not of my business. Better to point out some rules.
. You have to stay inside the room. The basic necessities are available and incase of your need you can only talk with your maid. 
. You can't contact anyone from here. You can use out net but can't call anyone. If you are caught doing so, I am gonna harm your family. I am a man of my words so mark it. 
. Don't even dare to run away, which you tried today. Remember, your deeds will be faced by your family.
. If I call you, I must find you in front of my eyes in minutes, without any delay and questions. 

He moved closer to her holding her cheeks roughly.
Sid- Don't think I will not punish you, if you try to brake the rules.

He asked her to leave and called her guards.
Sid- Why did you touch her?
Guard2- S...sorry sir, s...she bite us.
Guard1- Yes s...sir.

Sid- If she further does something like this, inform to me...don't dare to raise your hand. CLEAR?
Guards- Y...yes sir.

On the other hand.
Vai- Hey you, come out.
Abhishek came out.

Abhi- Thank you for helping me. But what do you want from me? 
Vai- I want you to get me out from here.

Abhi- But aren't you the daughter of....
Vai- Details later, just take me of of here.

Abhi- You help me escape for today, I promise to return back to help you back. 
Vai- Do you think I am a fool?

Abhi- Let me tell you, myself the Abhishek Nigam....from the biggest mafia agency, The Nigams.
With his every step he moved closer tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Abhi- And we keep our words.
She was numb to react. It was the first time someone touched her. 

Vai- Take the costume of our sweeper from my cupboard and escape.

He quickly changed inside her washroom.
Vai- I will wait...

Avu's pov:
I don't understand, why am I even here.
Such a silly reason? I thought he was proposing me that day so I rejected, common not my fault. But why am I treated as a normal person?
If he kidnapped me, I am supposed to get tied  up in a chair rather than sitting in this warm soft bed with a full closet and a bathroom.
What does he exactly want from me!  So tired of this guy.
The only thing I can do is escape. 
End of her pov.

She went to the closet and saw a variety of western and Indian clothes. She took few sarees and started braiding them incase if they helps her to escape climbing down like Rapunzel. 


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