Ch-24 (Day Out?)

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After some weeks.
Avneet was getting ready because after two weeks of request Siddharth has agreed to take her out.
It is really suffocating for her to be in this large mantion. She wants freedom but at the same time, she liked the world here. Things were getting complecated for her , but all she knew was that;
She is getting comfortable in this mantion and she finds the feeling of home here.

Avu- Should I wear this red dress? Or maybe the pink? How about the blue? Shouldn't I wear golden? Why don't I try out orange? Uh purple would be better.

She sat on the bed!
Siddharth entered the room and found her sitting on the bed with a grumphy face.
He internally chuckled at her state.

Sid(in mind)- Girls!
Sid(cold)- Weren' t you jumgping to go outside? And now you can't decide a dress!

Avu- Its harder than you think.
Sid- Its just a mood refresher. You have ten minutes. Better if you get ready.

He went out of the room taking his clothes. She rolled her eyes at him and closed her eyes.
She touched a dress.

Avu- Perfect! Green! Okay 10 minutes hurry!

Avu- Perfect! Green! Okay 10 minutes hurry!

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(Buttons up please, he wasn't wearing it with his buttons opened in this ff

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(Buttons up please, he wasn't wearing it with his buttons opened in this ff.😂 )

After 20 minutes:
Avu- YES!

She came out quickly fearing if he cancels the plan. And both of their eyes widened seeing each other.

Sid- Miss Kaur, its just an evening out, we aren't going on a date that you had to copy my dress colour.

Avu- What on the Earth do you mean! I closed my eyes and chose this dress. After 1100000 hours of thinking I finaly decided to wear this and you are telling I copied you! I neither have any intention to copy you nor any will to date a cold ass like you! Go change.

He looked at her coldly.
Avu- Well then I will change.

She was about to go back to their room when he pulled her by her wrist and dragged her to the car.

Avu- I don't want to twin with you.
Sid- I think I will change my mind about going outside.

Avu- Why? I think you misheard something, I didn't say anything.
Sid- Nonsense.

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