HARD work (K.F)

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You and your girlfriend, Kelly, are currently working right now, well it's only her to be honest You are watching from the porch.

She is currently chopping up some wood for the fire tonight, as we are having a bonfire to celebrate the opening of the Zoo that she has fixed up.

Her hair was up in a little bun, as her hair was short and could not properly tie, she was wearing her grey short pants and a white tank top, which you can clearly see her abs and her arm muscles.
Her muscles were glistening in the Sun because of all the sweat she has built up chopping the wood especially from all this Sun.

Thank goodness, for her wearing a tank top her 6 pack was showing as the sweat made the top stick to her stomach, and her shorts were loose around her thighs and tight around her waist.
Showing her outline of her bulge..she isn't hard she is just blessed with a large cock.

Ypu watched her closely as she chopped the wood, her arm muscles flexing as she lifts the axe above her head then down, hard on the wood chopping it in half.
Sweat was forming dripplets on her forhead, so she took the bottom of her top and wiped her forehead and whilst doing so showing her beautifully toned abs, that contracted as she breathed in and out.

"Fuck me..", you whispered. "Later, baby.", Kelly said whith her raspy voice, while chuckling a bit, subtly shaking her head from side to side, feeling a little embarrassed.
You guess that she heard you... you are definitely not planning on walking tomorrow...or for the rest of the week for all that matters.

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