*So (N.R)

706 22 2

G!P Nat


Is what you were.
Your girlfriend had been teasing you the whole day ever since you guys woke up in bed this morning.

Laying in bed, with a bit of the Sunlight peeking through the curtains allowing the light to emit the dark room a light, at least a little.

You were laying peacefully on your side with your girlfriend being pressed against your back.
Her arms circled around you, traping you with her in a warm cuddle of warmth. Her face was snuggled in between the crook of your neck, leaving you to get a tingling sensation whenever she'd exhale out of her nose.
The light from the Sun landing perfectly on her face.

You made a move to get your phone from your bedside table, where it had been charging the night before.
Thinking about snapping a picture with Natasha asleep in this position had crossed your mind..so you did just that.

You took a few pictures with her cuddling you from behind, her face snuggled in your neck and a few pictures with her arm wrapped around you.
Then you took a close up picture of her face in your neck, her lips slighty pouty, still looking soft and kissable nonetheless, her eyebrows were furrowed a little, most likely due to the Sun getting to her eyes, disrupting her much needed sleep.

"Delete that." Her raspy vocie startled you for a second. "Good morning to you too...and no."
"Y/N. Delete it." "Make me." Deciding to tease her. You heard her let out a raspy chuckle, "Mhm. You don't wanna go there, detka." Testing the waters you replied, "Maybe I want to. I mean after all.. I love teasing you."
"You have three seconds." By now Natasha's head was pulled away from your neck, being supported by her one arm and craned her neck down, looking at you, waiting for you, to make a move.

'One... two.. three.' She silently counted in her head, but when she saw that you didn't make a move she did.

"That's it."
"Wha-" before you even got the chance to comprehend what was happening you were pinned down on the bed, with her in between your legs.
You could feel her whole body weight on you, a whole pack of muscles on you.
"Were you trying to threaten me.. or turn me on?" You smirked.
"You think this is all fun 'n games until I have you begging for me."
"Maybe I want that to happen.." You bit your lip. "All you had to do was ask, baby." She leaned down to kiss your lips but before you two got the chance you were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Romanoff, It's Steve, we've got some training to do. Best get down here as soon as possible."

'Course it's that guy.

With a roll of her eyes Natasha got up and started getting ready for training.
"We'll finish this later, sweetheart." She kissed you before she left through the door leaving you untouched.

Three whole hours later she was still busy training.
You went to check up on her and the newbees during training.
Which was a huge mistake.
Seeing your redheaded girlfriend all worked up and sweaty, got you all worked up...and needy for her. She knew it. You could tell by the smug look she had on her face while lecturing the new trainees. You bit your lip as you watched how her sweaty muscles flexing with every movement she made.
You've got to get out of here.
With one last look you left the training room to go cool down from that view.

You were in the kitchen making lunch for the team, just some club sandwiches something fresh and tasty.
There was a slight problem though..you needed an extra plate but it was on the top shelf.

Standing on your tippy toes, you tried reaching for the plate above until you felt a presence behind you. And you knew exactly who it was.
You could feel the heat radiating off her body. "Need some help?" She chuckled in your ear and gave it a kiss as she reached up to grab the plate making you feel all of her.
Rubbing against you.
"There you go, baby." She held the plate out in front of you.
You cleared your throat and took it from her, "Thank you. Nat..," you set the plate down with a sandwich on top of it, "how was training?" "It was..interesting to say the least." You gave her a look for her to carry on and to tell the truth. "They suck." She stated.
"They're new and in training." "Still doesn't mean they suck any less.."
She came up behind you and wrapped her arms around you whilst you cut the sandwhich in half, "I mean..this one newbee tried to punch me and instead ended up tripping over his own feet and landing on his face."
You gave a laugh, "That doesn't sound so bad.." You couldn't contain the rest of the laughter that you let out.
"He knocked himself out. I didn't even do anything, sadly, I literally just stood there.
An open target ready for him to make a move."
"I mean...I guess you could say he practically fell for you." "Oh, shut up."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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