You're... (N.R)

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I uh..I tried.
Hope I did this justice.


Two red lines appeared on the pregnancy test stick.
A positive.
Is what the pregnancy test had read.
Panic flushed through your whole body in just one shock. Questions flooded through or brain.

'How?' 'Why?' 'We've been so careful..'

Then it hit you, how were you gonna tell your girlfriend that you're pregnant.
You're both still in high school and have your whole lives ahead of yourselves. A wave of nausea hit you, causing you to take a deep breath and sit down.
You let out a sigh and threw the box in the trash can and took the positive pregnancy stick to throw onto the counter. Letting out another sigh as another question rose within you.

How were you going to tell her?

You gave a sniffle before you reached for your phone to dial a close friend of yours, Kate Bishop.
The phone rang for a minimum of five seconds before she picked up.
"Hey, what's up?" She breathed into the phone.
"Kate...," You sniffed, trying to keep your tears at bay, "I uh..I need your help. Please." When Kate heard your sniffling and crying she knew this must be something serious, her loving heart got filled with worry about you.
"Yeah. I'm on my way." With that she hung up the phone call, no questions asked and no 'why's' askes either.
She knew she just had to be there.

You and Kate were sitting on your bed, looking at the positive test after you told her the news.
"So uh yeah...I'm pregnant.." You looked at Kate for an answer, her mouth was open like a fish.
"You're.." She merely pointed at your stomach. "Pregnant." You said.
"Pregnant. Right..right..," she nodded, you can tell she's trying to keep her cool. At least for you, "and are you going to..keep it?" "I don't know..I'm scared about what Nat might think." "You haven't told her yet?" "'re the first to know." "Wow...this is. This.." She looked back at your stomach then to your face again, "I'm gonna be an aunt! I'm gonna be an Auntie! That's amazing Y/N!" she jumped up and gave you a big hug. "You're going to be an amazing mom..and don't worry," she pulled away from the hug to wipe a few of your hair strands from your forehead, "I'll help you tell Natasha. If you want of course." She gave you a reassuring smile. One that told you it's gonna be okay.
That it's going to be just fine...

You can't do this.
You were panicking.
Your hands were shaking and sweaty from nerves.

It has been a week since you found out you were pregnant with Natashas baby..and you had yet to tell her.

Now she's coming over to your house as you said that you guys needed to talk. She texted back a panic like response asking you meant by that but you brushed it off as 'just having a talk'.
Now you're sitting, waiting, on your bed with your leg bouncing up and down like crazy.

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