Homocide Detective (N.R) (Pt.3)

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Natasha: homicide detective (GP)

Y/N: Natashas' wife, does their dream job

(Scream, Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street spoilers...in a way?)

(There is a bit of violence, such as stabbing, slashing and gunshots.)


She made eye contact with Lucy, "Who was the first killer in Friday the 13th?"


"Whatever game you're playing at, Natasha." Steve took a step forward, "It's not going to work." Then he looked at Lucy, "Don't answer her, she's trying to trick us." Lucy shook her head, ignoring him, "Are you serious right now? That's so easy!"
"If it's so easy, why don't you answer it?" Natasha smirked. "Because nobody stupid enough would get the answer wrong!" Lucy pointed her knife towards Natasha, threatening her.

"Answer the fucking question, Lucy." Natasha seethed, "Come on. Play the game."
"Jason Voorhees. There, there's your fucking answer." Lucy shouted.
Natasha smirked.
"What? What, hey?" Steve yelled, "What's so fucking funny!"

I smiled a bit looking at them getting so mad and confused that their own game has been switched on them.
Steve pointed his knife towards me, taking a step towards me, "I'll slit your fucking throat if you keep smiling like that!" Steve maniacally yelled, some salvia flew from his mouth with every few words he said.

"You step the fuck back from her, Steve otherwise I'll slit your fucking throat. Oh, and Lucy, you got it wrong." Lucy scoffed, "What? What did I get wrong?" "Why, the answer of course. The first killer was Mrs.Voorhees, Jason Voorhees's mother. You see, his mother was the first killer before him, killing people that she thought was deemed responsible for her sons' death."
Natasha chuckled. "Remember the rules to the game." Natasha walked a few steps closer to Lucy, "You get the answer wrong, you get slashed." Natasha lunged forward and slashed Lucy right across the stomach making her stumble back from the impact of the force.

I was about to get off from leaning on the counter to try and help her, but I got shoved back down onto it by Steve.
I  couldn't even take two proper steps towards her before I got shoved back down, making my left arm burn with pain and the wounds on my stomach ache even more.
"You stay right there, you litte bitch!" He yelled in my face, "I'm not done with you just yet." Steve threatened, getting closer to my face.

Natasha turned her head after hearing him yell.
She grabbed Lucy and wrapped her arm around her neck, pointing a knife towards her neck too.

"Let her go, Steve. Or else she dies." Natasha threatened him, he put his knife towards my neck too, making me try to back away from him.
"Try me, Natasha." He tightened his grip on the knife, "One wrong move and I'll slit her throat."
I looked at Natasha in her eyes and slightly nodded my head, she can trust me.

She put the knife closer to Lucy's neck, as Steve did to mine.
I turned my head to look at Steve, he was still looking at Lucy, she still has the knife up against her neck.
I took my opportunity to knee Steve in his groin and push him backwards by his shoulders, making him stumble back holding his groin in pain, "You fucking bitch!" He screamed in pain, falling to the floor on his knees.

Natasha pushed Lucy to Steve's side and I went to stand next to her.
I saw Natashas' gun laying on the floor, "Nat." I nodded my head to the direction her gun was laying at.
She picked up her gun and aimed it at them.
"I told you-" Natasha reloaded her gun, "To not fuck with me and my wife, but you did. So now, you guys have to die." "What? You think you could kill us!" Steve yelled getting up, trying to charge at his. "I would stay the fuck there if I were you, Steve." Natasha pointed her gun at his head.

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