*Cleaning up (K.F)

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Kelly: GP

Kelly and I were busy working in the bar trying to clean it up for the inspection man who's coming sometime this week.

I was busy wiping down some tables while Kelly was busy making sure that the drinks were restocked and placed back onto the counter racks.

As I was busy cleaning up the last table I felt Kelly behind me, pushing her body up against mine and wrapping her arms around my waist, making me feel her erection through her jeans.
"You know, you look really good bending over  wiping down these tables, it gives me a great view of your ass each and every time." Kelly rasped in my ear.

"Kelly." I gasped, "Yes, baby." she hummed, I turned around to face her, "We can't do this here, what if someone sees us or walks in on us?" I asked her.
She chuckled lightly shaking her head, lifting me up and placing me on the table, she stood in between my legs, "No one will see us, baby, let alone walk in on us, everyone is sleeping." she said while kissing my neck, I slightly moved my neck to the side letting Kelly have more access to my neck leading her to leave more kisses and some hickies there.

"Fuck." I moaned, "Kelly." "Yes, baby?" "I need you. Now." "What happened to 'someone walking in on us'." She chuckled "You. You happened." I said trying to catch my breath, "Kelly, please I need you now." "You know I love it when you beg." Kelly kissed me, hard, we were desperate for each other.
Kelly took off my top along with her own, she pulled down my pants and now I'm in my undergarments sitting on the table with her between my legs.
"Fuck. You look so beautiful, baby." Kelly rasped leaning down to kiss my chest and over my boobs, covering my chest with her love bites.

Kelly kissed back up my neck and across my jawline to my lips, connecting our lips in a heated kiss.
She unbuckled her belt and pulled her jeans down with her boxers letting her cock
stand up proud.
She had a long and semi-veiny cock.
She stood in between my legs again and I wrapped them around her waist, pulling her closer to me.

"You ready, baby?" Kelly whispered in my ear, I nodded and pulled her in for a kiss. She slowly started pushing in me and stopped once she was fully in my giving me time to get used to her. "You can start moving now, Kelly." I kissed her and I felt her nod in the kiss. I felt her hips move back a little and then forward again, "Fuck." I moaned, "Please, Kelly." "Please,
what, baby?" Kelly smirked "Fuck me." I kissed her again, "As you wish." She said in the kiss.

Kelly started going faster and harder making me not be able to kiss her back due to me moaning, she kissed down my neck again this time leaving more hickies that would last for a week. "Kelly- Fuck. Please." "Please what, Y/N? C'mon be a good girl and tell me what you want." Kelly groaned in my ear.
"I need to cum. Please." "Is that right? My good girl wants to cum?" I nodded my head unable to form words. "Cum, baby. Be a good girl and cum for me." Kelly moaned in my ear.
I came, hard, on her cock with a scream of her name, I soon felt Kelly cum inside of me, she was holding me close by my waist whispering how I was a good girl for her and how much she loves me.

Kelly snuggles her head in my neck and I felt her release a little laugh, "What? What's so funny?" I asked after gaining my breath back.
"To think that you didn't want to do this in the first place because you thought we'd get caught, and here you were, screaming my name while cumming on my cock." Kelly said lifting her head up with a chuckle at the end.
I blushed a deep red when she said that.
"Awe, are you blushing, baby? You look so damn cute when you do."

I hid my face in her neck. "No, no, no. Don't hide your pretty face from me, baby." She said removing my face from her neck, placing a quick kiss to my lips.
"C'mon, let's get dressed and then we can continue, because I'm planning on not making you walk for the rest of this week." I blushed again, nodding in agreement with her.

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