Virgin (N.R) (Pt.1)

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GP Natasha, Virgin Y/N

Y/N: 21 years old
Natasha: 23 years old

You and Natasha have been dating for 2 and a half years now, your relationship is healthy and going good.
You guys are currently going on a date tonight, you're going to go watch a movie at the theaters and then going for a drive at the beach.

You are a bit anxious, not because of the date but because you are planning on having a special evening with her tonight.
You want her to be your first time, your forever, you trust her with your life and your heart.
Natasha is amazing, caring, loving and keeps you safe, never makes you feel uncomfortable. She is your home. You are hers and she is yourd, you are each others.

You have your moments were we would be stripped down to your underwear in a very hot and heated make out, but then she would pull away, resting her forehead on mine saying, "Do you want to cuddle, detka? Let's watch our favorite show and eat some snacks."
You'd cuddle for the rest of the evening because she knew that you weren't completely comfortable having sex just as yet, as you were scared it was going to hurt, and she understood that.

That's why you love her so much. She doesn't push you to have sex with her, she was patient, gentle and understanding with me.
Natasha is the best girlfriend that you could ever ask for.

Time for the date

You were done getting ready for your date, you were wearing a lovely, flowy dress that was a little tight around the waist and reached mid thigh, while your hair was down and free.
Natasha wore her black jeans, black top and her black, leather jacket, her hair was tied in a ponytail and a few strands of her hair were loose.

You got to the movie theater at about 20:35, due to a mini make out that you had, which meant you had 25 minutes to get your popcorn, sweets and our drinks and to get to your didn't want to miss out on the ads.

You got seated with your drinks, popcorn and snacks. You were there just in time as the ads started playing before the actual movie.

Half way through the movie you felt Natashas hand on your thigh, her thumb was rubbing mink circles on your skin making me get goosebumps and butterflies in your stomach.

Natasha kept her hand there the whole time and it was distracting, you couldn't seem to focus on anything else rather then her hand.  "What's wrong, detka? You seem a bit flustered." Natasha asked, you could tell she was teasing you. Why?
Tell me why, now.
"Yeah, yeah no, Nat I am fine. Just a bit hot." "Yeah, you are hot." Natasha said with a wink "Nat, that is not appropriate. We are in a movie theater, now be quiet and watch the movie." I said in a loud whisper, "I am not the one who's talking much, am I, sweetheart?" She said smirking. "Fuck you." "I will later, baby, just be patient." Natasha said with a smirk, I blushed red and went silent "What? Cat got your tongue, sweetheart." Natasha asked in a condescending tone "W-watch the movie Nat." "Will do, baby, will do." And with that she kissed my lips and focused on the movie for the rest of it. I sat there flustered and a little... a lot... turned on, the anticipation is killing me for what's going to happen later.

After the movie

The movie had finished and Natashas' hand did not leave my thigh for the rest of the movie. We waited for the credit scene, then afterwards we walked to her car. Natasha opened her car door for me,"My lady." She said lightly bowing down "Thank you, what a gentlewoman." She gave me a grin and closed the door, making sure not slam her door and got in on her side. "How was the movie for you, baby?" Natasha asked as she was pulling the car out of the parking in reverse,  "I think the movie was pretty interesting, and you, Nat?" "Yeah, I agree with you, it was pretty interesting, especially the part where they found out there were two masked killer and not one." "Yeess, I loved that scene. I would want to watch this movie again sometime." "Woah, baby relax we just watched the movie, you can watch it again but not later today nor tomorrow." Natasha said chuckling a bit at the end. I smiled and laughed, she laughed back giving my cheeck a quick kiss and continued driving. Natasha put her hand on my thigh a few minutes into our drive to the beach and I was getting butterflies in my stomach and a tingling feeling somewhere else.. I couldn't describe it.

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