*Virgin (N.R) (Pt.2)

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GP Natasha, Virgin Y/N

Y/N: 21 years old
Natasha: 23 years old

After Natasha layed my head down on the pillows, making sure that I was comfortable.
She got off of me and took off her jacket along with her top. "May I take your dress off, baby?" I nodded,"Yes, please." Natasha did just that, she slowly took my dress off, I was now in my underwear and Natasha was still in her bra and jeans, showing off her arm muscles and her 6 pack of abs.
Natasha climbed in between my legs, I wrapped my legs around her waist, she leaned on her forearms, that rested beside my head. Natasha leaned down to kiss me and I kissed back, the kiss was heated and passionate. Natasha deepened the kiss adding tongue, turning it into a french kiss.
Natasha sat up on her knee's and started unbuckling her belt and unzipped her jeans, pulling them down, now we were both left in our underwear.

She climbed in between my legs again and started kissing me slowly. "Can I take your bra off, baby?" "Yes." I said, it almost sounded like a whisper due to me being a little out of breath from our kisses and also my nervousness. Natasha unclipped my bra and slowly, teasingly took it off, she started kissing me from my lips down to my neck leaving a few hickies, she kissed down my stomach taking my underwear band between teeth and pulling it down and off me, leaving me naked in front of her. Natasha kissed back up my body and kissed my lips, she used one hand to support herself, holding her up while she took off her boxers and then sat up completely to quickly take off her sports bra.
We were both naked and comfortable in front of each other.

Natasha got in between my legs again and gave me a peck on lips before saying,"This might hurt a little, baby, just tell me when the pain gets too much and I'll stop, okay? Or whenever you feel uncomfortable, just tell me, we take this at your pace."

I could feel my heart racing but Natashas comforting words seemed to calm my racing heart down.

"I understand, Nat." She nods her head, "Good. I don't want to hurt you, okay." "Okay." I whispered. She gave me one last kiss before she took her cock and slowly entered me, making sure to not hurt me. I wrapped my legs around her waist. Natasha took one of my hands and held it in her hand, resting our hands beside my head. She carefully pushed herself in more "Wait- Nat, it hurts." "Okay, okay. I'll stop, just tell me when I can move again, okay?" Natasha said while giving my hand a comforting squeeze. "You can move, but can you please go slower?" "Sure, baby. Anything you want." she said while giving me peck on my lips.
Natasha started moving her hips back and forth slowly, making sure not to hurt me. She rested her forehead on mine, "Are you okay, baby? Does it still hurt." "A little, but keep going, please." The pain started getting better as I started getting used to Natashas size.

Natasha kissed me softly, I could feel the love from our kiss, the love that she has for me, the love that I have for her, the love that we have for each other.
Natasha started going at a decent pace, making a rhythm of her thrusting in and out of me. "Fuck, Nat." I moaned, "You okay, sweetheart?" I nodded my head, I tilted my head up a little to kiss her.

Natasha started kissing down my neck and left hickies, she hit my G-spot, repeatedly making me scratch down her back in pleasure, with my one hand and my other hand squeezing hers.
"Fuck, baby. You feel so fucking good." Natasha moaned in my neck, "Go faster, Nat, please." I couldn't help but beg her. "As you wish, Y/N." "Fuck, Natalia. I'm gonna cum." I moaned, "Let go for me, Y/N. Be a good girl and cum for me."
I came hard on Natashas cock and wrapped my arms around her neck as I did so, I felt her cum inside of me, slowing down her thrusts as she did so.

"You did so good for me, Y/N. You are such a good girl. You're my good girl." "I'm your good girl?" "Yes, you are, baby." My heart leaped with joy hearing that...it felt good for some odd reason, especially hearing that from Natasha.

Natasha slowly pulled out of me, careful not to hurt me, she got up and put her boxers and bra on and went into the bathroom, coming back out of it with a warm cloth. She was about to clean me, down there, but I closed my legs because it still hurt a bit, "Come on, baby. Open your legs please?" "It hurts down there, Nat. I am also sensitive too." "I'll be gentle I promise." She said while giving my forehead a kiss, I opened my legs and she carefully wiped my sensitive parts being careful to not put too much pressure whilst doing so. She put the cloth back in the bathroom and came back into our bedroom and picking out a pair of pj's and fresh underwear for me to put on.

Natasha helped me put my underwear and pj's on.
Natasha was busy putting on a pair of gray sweatpants when I called her, "Natasha?" "Mm yeah, baby? What's wrong?" "Can we cuddle please?" I asked "Sure, darling, anytime. You know you don't need to ask." Natasha said chuckling a bit toward the end. I got under the covers and Natasha got in behind me, spooning me from behind. She put her arm around my waist, holding me securely against her front, making me feel her abs and her cock through her sweatpants, she's just that large.

"Goodnight, Natty. I love you." "Goodnight, Y/N, sweet dreams, baby. I Love you, too." "Sweet dreams, Natasha." Natasha kissed my neck and snuggled me more.

I slowly drifted off to sleep feeling loved and protected in Natashas arms.
She is my home, my everything.

I am hers and she is mine, we are each others.

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