Get You Back (N.R)

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TW: There will be the talking about blood, murder (killing) and getting hurt (busted lip, hurt on forehead), guns and knives. Talk of alien weapons, criminal activities, talk of killing innocents. Threatening. Being tied up and gagged...

So yeah...think that's all!

Walking down the street, music playing in your ears and a box of pastries in your hand for you and Natashas' breakfast you had turned a corner when you felt a hard hit on the side of your head knocking you completely out. Your eyes fluttering closed as you could only catch just a tiny glimpse of your attacker.


You had woken up to blinding light leaking through the curtains a heavy, but somehow light, weight on your lower half.

Looking down to see Natashas arm wrapped around your waist with her head snuggled in your neck from behind, her hair messed up from the night before.

You had slowly started to shift to get up to the bathroom before you felt her arm pull you back down with a grumble, "Mhm, don't move."
A raspy, deep voice that sent shivers down your spine and ignited a fire deep in your stomach.
You looked over to see a cute sleepy frown placed on Natashas face.
"Nat...I need to go shower so...I could get breakfast for us."
"Can't it wait?" Her voice raspy and still full with sleep, there were a few seconds of silence before a stomach growl filled the silence.
"No, unless you wanna starve.."
"Five more minutes. Jus' lemme hold you, baby." Natasha said as she tighted her grip around your waist, she had managed to turn you flat on your back only for her to lay in between your legs with her head resting on your boobs.

"You know.." You said, Nat let out a grumble in response that she was listening, "sometimes I really think you love my boobs more than me." You let out a little laugh.
You felt her smile against your chest, "Mhm, I could never!" She said jokingly, "it's only a plus for me as your girlfriend, detka." She lifted her head up to pull herself up to land a kiss on you lips.
"Let's go shower. I wanna have our round five." Natasha got up with a wink and a smirk, while you struggled to keep your butterflies at bay, you smiled walking, limping, to the bathroom.
Natasha laughed, proud of what she'd done while you only, playfully, glared at her.

You were barely able to get in the shower when you felt her presence behind you, then her arms around your waist as she laid kisses on your neck, "You're so beautiful, you know that, dorogaya." She stared at you in your eyes through the mirror as she continued kissing your neck.
You had blushed and said a little 'thank you' while dragging her to the shower under the hot water to wash yourselves off from last nights' dirty acts.
Kisses of love were passed to one another before things got heated and round five and six had started and ended..


"Okay, Nat, I'm leaving!" You yelled from the living room while gathering your phone and wallet to head to the bakery.
You heard her footsteps coming from the hallway to see her in a grey tanktop and black sweatpants which complimented her figure and outlined her beautifully toned muscles, "Okay, malysh, be safe. Remember to share your location."
She made her way over to you, "I love you." She gave you a kiss on your lips.
You guys melted in the kiss and pulled away before anything could go any further, "I love you too. I'll be back before you know it."

And with that you exited your guys' apartment and made your way down the street to the bakery and played your music.
In your own world and minding your own business.

"Thank you, come again!" The cashier said as you thanked and greeted them with a smile and the box of pastries in hand.
You exited the bakery with the bell over the door ringing as the door opened.

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