This was all a..dare? (N.R)

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This is Pt. 2...


Getting the party ready

Natasha and I just arrived at her house and we're currently helping with the party decor, drinks, snacks and the games.

I was busy setting the different variations of alcohol on the table along with some shot glasses and plastic cups.

"Looking good, baby." Natasha said wrapping her arms around my waist, resting her chin on my shoulder, "Thanks, Nat." I turned around to face her, causing her to remove her chin from its place before, loosening her arms around my waist, "It's the least I could do for Yelenas' lovely 'holiday's starting' party. Shouldn't you be setting up too?" "What? Can't I come say 'hi' to my lovely girlfriend?" Natasha asked pulling me closer to her "No. You can't because we were asked to help set up the party." "I know, I know. I missed you though." "Aw, I missed you too, Nat."

"But, seriously won't, Yelena, like, I don't know, get..mad, with you not helping out." I asked "Nope and if she does, I'll beat her ass. She practically dragged us to help with the party. Instead of me and my girl spending time together, so, no she can't get mad." Natasha said giving both my cheeks a quick kiss,"I have to go finish up helping with the music, but, we'll meet in my room before the party starts, right, baby?" "Yeah, of course. I'll see you there, Nat." I said giving her a quick kiss on the lips.
"Okay, bye." she smiled and walked away "Bye." I whispered smiling.

"Hi, Y/N." I felt someone tap my shoulder.
I turned around to find Kate standing there.
"Hi, Kate. How're you?" I asked surprised to see her. "I'm good. Good.. I was wondering if you've seen Yelena anywhere, I have to ask for where the beer pong table is going to go." "I don't know, but maybe put it outside by the pool?" "By the pool, got it." Kate said halfway turning around before turning herself back to face me,
"Why the pool?" "I don't know, maybe because outside is refreshing also people are free and not so crowded inside the living room."
"Cool. Good idea, bye. I'll see you at the party, also tell Natasha I say 'hi'." She said taking three steps backwards "Okay, will do Kate, bye." "Bye." She turned around and walked away, getting people to help move the beer pong table outside.

After setting up the party

After setting up the party I went and knocked on Natashas' door as we said we should meet up in her bedroom after setting up.
Her door opened after a few seconds of waiting, Natasha was standing there in her black jeans and sports bra, guess she was half way done getting ready for the party.

"Hey, baby, I was wondering when you'd show." "Hey." I stepped inside her room, "sorry, I'm late. I could only get away now. Also Kate says 'hi'." "You weren't late, baby, I jus' missed you
That's all." Natasha said
giving me a quick kiss my lips, "Also, you were with Kate? When was this?" "Just before I came she wanted to know where to put the beer pong table." "And she couldn't ask Yelena that herself?" Natasha said a little too fast and curious. "She couldn't find her, Nat, no need to get jealous." "I'm not jealous." She scoffed. "Sure you're not, Natty." I took a step closer to her.
"I'm not." She said defending herself.
"Okay, if you say so..." "Y/N. I'm not jealous."
"I know you're not.." I said wrapping my arms around her neck, "I was just messing with you."
I gave her a kiss on the lips before starting to pull my arms back, she pulled me closer to her with her hands on my waist. "Nat.." "Baby.." "We can't do this right now-" "Do what right now?" Natasha kissed my neck slowly.

Knock knock knock

"And there we go, our moment is ruined." Natasha groaned in my neck. "Nat, come on, it could be important." "How would you know that?" "Natasha, Y/N come on hurry up! Party's starting soon!" Yelena shouted on the other side of the door. "You heard what she said, we have to get ready for the party." "Ugh, fine." Natasha said reluctantly pulling away to put her shirt and jacket on. "I'm going to change into my outfit now, Nat, I'll be out in a sec."

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