*Regardless...the mission went well (N.R) (Pt2)

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GP Natasha

It was finally the end of the week, Friday, the best day ever. Natasha was coming home at about 18:45, while Y/N was at home putting in the pizza's in the oven for them for their dinner, once that was done she sat down on the couch and turned on a show for her to watch in the meantime.

15 minutes later

The pizza was done so, Y/N on put some oven gloves and took the pizzas out, setting them on the counter.

Knock knock

There she was, Natasha, leaning against the door with a smirk on her face. "Hey there, detka." she said in her raspy voice, Y/N smiled and replied back, "Hi, Nat. Come in, I made some pizza for us and our favorite TV show is on and ready to watch." Natasha chuckles while shaking her head, "You know you are the best girlfriend that I could ever ask for, I love you so much." "I love you too, Natalia." Y/N said in a
teasing tone, knowing how Natasha got whenever she called her by her real name.

"You don't want to go there tonight, Y/N." taking a step closer to Natashas face looking up at her, "Maybe I do." Their lips were so close together, just inches a part. Natasha took a step forward, "No. You don't. Trust me because if you do, you wouldn't be walking tomorrow, or for the rest of the week for that matter once I'm done fucking you." Natasha said in her low husky voice.

Y/N blushed and looked down "Now look at who's being a little, shy baby. Look at me, Y/N." Natasha said taking her index finger and lifting her chin up, they made eye contact, and in an instant their lips connected.

Natasha picked Y/N up by her thighs, letting her wrap her legs around her waist and her arms around her neck and her fingers playing in her hair. The kiss was slowly getting more and more heated between the two.
Natasha walked them up stairs to their bedroom and put Y/N on in the middle of the bed and she stood up, Y/N leaned up on her elbows to look at Natasha. Natasha took off her boots and took Y/N slippers off too, she leaned back down to kiss Y/N, putting her hands beside her head and leaning down on her fore arms. Y/N's hands were in Natashas hair gently combing and massaging her hair. Natasha sat back up on her knees and pulled her jacket off along with her top, Y/N did the same, she took off her pajamas top, along with her pants leaving her in her underwear.
Natasha leaned down to kiss her, Y/Ns hands reached down to unbuckle along with unbuttoning and unzipping her jeans. Natasha took off her jeans leaving her in her boxers and bra too.

Y/N had a great view of Natasha's abs, that cut still on her left side, that's healing now, making her look even hotter and the bulge in her boxers, as she was sitting on her knees, using her left hand to comb her hair back.
Natasha pulled Y/N's underwear off leaving her completely nude. Natasha trailed kisses up Y/N's body, leading up to her neck leaving hickies on the way, finally getting to her lips they share a passionate kiss.
Y/N pulled on Natasha boxers signaling her to take them off, she did.

Natasha leaned down giving Y/N a kiss before positioning herself and slowly entering Y/N. "Fuck.", Natasha groaned, earning a whimper from Y/N. Once she was fully in Y/N, she gave her another second to get used to her size before getting consent from her to move. Natasha started moving her hips in subtle movements, she started going faster and faster, moans could be heard across the room, "Ты такой чертовски красивый." Natasha groaned. "Fuck, Natalia don't stop. Please keep going. Don't stop.. please!." Y/N screamed as she felt Natasha thrusting, hitting against her G-spot over and over again.
Natasha sat up on her lower limbs brushing her hair out of her face, still thrusting hard and fast. Grabbing Y/N legs and putting them on her shoulders, keeping them up," Бля, ты такой тугой." Natasha groaned, her abs contacted as she moved her hips in a steady pace, back and forth, looking at the love of her life. Natasha slowly and gently took Y/N legs off of her shoulders and bent down to kiss Y/N lips allowing her to wrap her legs around Natasha waist. Natashas thrust started slowing down into a slow and steady rhythm,"I'm gonna cum, Natty. Fuck, please."Y/N whimpered in Natasha ear making her feel alive on the inside. "Go ahead baby, cum, cum for me Y/N." Natashas russian accent was coming through.
With one last thrust Y/N came on Natashas cock and Natasha pulled out and came on her stomach and boobies right after, she whispered "Fuck." Natasha rested her forehead on Y/Ns'.

"I love you, Y/N so, so much.", said Natasha in a loving way, Y/N smiled to that, "I love you, Natalia. So, so much." "Do you want to go wash up or cuddle then wash up in the morning, baby?" "Cuddle then wash up in the morning please, Tasha" "Okay. Goodnight, love." "Goodnight, Natty sweet dreams." "Sweet dreams, Y/N."


Ты такой чертовски красивый - You're so fucking beautiful
(from our one and only Google Translate!! Yay)

Бля, ты такой тугой - Fuck, you're so tight

First time for everything....I'll make sure to write better next time.😊

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