Detention (N.R)

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I have detention.

I was 10 minutes late to class due to being stuck in traffic.
Now I have detention...on a Friday too.

"Hey." I sat down in my seat next to Kate. "Hey, what the hell happened? Where were you?" "Traffic. I dropped my siblings off first then I got stuck in traffic and now I have detention. Lovely just lovely." Kate laughed a bit.
"It's not funny Kate, it means that we might have to delay movie night by a bit." I shook my head.
"What? Noo." She whined. "Yeah, exactly." I nodded my head.
"Why'd you have to come late?" She playfully blamed me. "Because, Kate, I love being sent to detention." As I got out my books and wrote a few notes down, I came up with an idea.

"Hey..." I looked at Kate. "Yes..." She squints her eyes at me. "Why don't you come to detention with me? That way we can be with each other." "Detention? Yeah, no thanks." She laughed. "Come on. Please? For me?" I begged her. "Can't. Sorry, I have a thing to do with Yelena, we're meeting up to do homework then I'll be coming to your house for our movie night." "Ooh, you and Yelena, hey?" I wiggled my eyebrows. "No, not like that. We're just friends." She shook her head. "If you say so..." I laughed.
"What about you and Natasha, hey? You two seem to be getting close." Kate bumped her shoulder with mine.
"Yeah, no thanks." I rolled my eyes "What? Why not?" "Because.." I said.

I didn't really have any answer.

"'Because' isn't an answer Y/N. Come on, she's been asking you out on a date since forever." I hummed, nodding my head, "Yeah and she can keep doing that. I'm not going to date her." "Nobody said anything about you dating her. Just one date with her, one." She held up one finger.
"What do I get if I do?" "You'd get to date the best person ever plus she's good looking...very good looking." Kate winked at me.
"Good looking with a bad personality, Kate. Not my type." I stated.
"Nobody's your type." She grumpled, rolling her eyes.
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" I say offended.
"It means, you won't go on a date with Natasha, that's a good opportunity there plus she might even ask you to be her girlfriend one day." She teased me. "I haven't even said yes to her date proposal yet." "Aha! Yet!" Kate said out loud, she had a huge smile on her face as she said so.

"Kate, would you like to join Y/N in detention?" The teacher said aloud.
I shook my head yes, trying to hide my smile.
Kate bumped my elbow with hers, "No. I apologize." Kate replied.
"That's what I thought." The teacher carried on with their lesson.
"So you really are just leaving me in detention."
I faked hurt.
"Yup, I'll make it up to you at movie night. I'll buy you your favorite snacks." Kate side hugged me. "Aw, how could I say no to that." I hugged her back.

After school

School's over now and instead of going home,
I'm walking to the classroom that I have detention in.

I made it to the class.
I knocked on the door, walking in.
"Y/N, I'm surprised to see you here." The teacher replied.

Yup I'm a good student... just bad traffic today.

"Yes. I got detention for being late due to the traffic." I kindly responded
"Ah yes, well it's not really your fault now, is it?"
They rhetorically asked.
I shook my head, "No." "What are you doing?" I looked at them, "still standing there, go have a seat." the teacher replied.

I took my seat at the back of the class and got out my homework that we got from Math class today.
As I took out my book I hear the door open.

"Ms. Romanoff, why am I not surprised," Our teacher stated "Go on, have a seat."
I was looking at their interaction for a little too long.
Natasha looked towards the back and saw me staring at them, mostly at her.
When we made eye contact she smirked at me and nodded her head at the teacher.
She walked over to where I was sitting and sat right next to me.

Natasha Romanoff One-shots (S.J Characters)Where stories live. Discover now