Cake (N.R) (Pt.2)

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Natasha: GP

Natasha arrived at work just in time with 15 minutes left to spare.
I guess she could've had breakfast with Y/N, but, she thought of it as being early and getting a head start with the work.

There was a meeting that took place at 10:00 so that gave Natasha enough time to get started with her mission reports.

At the meeting

Everybody started settling into their seats one by one.
Natasha sat down but saw that her best friend, Clint, that sits across from her, is no where to be found.

The meeting has started and everyone was wondering where Clint is, there was a sound of a knock on the door and it being opened, "Hey guys, apologies, I'm late." "Care to tell us why you are late, Clint?" Steve asked him.
"I was having breakfast with my wife after dropping the kids off at school, that's why I'm late. I apologize, it won't happen again." Clint stated sitting down in his seat. "It's fine, Clint, you were only a few minutes late. Hope that breakfast was good. Now, let's get started with the meeting." Steve spoke, giving a firm nod to Clint and officially starting with the meeting.

Natasha sat there in silence trying, but failing, to focus on the meeting because her mind kept wondering back to Y/N from this morning, mostly every morning, when Y/N would ask about having breakfast or dinner together, she would always get mad or annoyed, that evening she would come home at late hours of the evening.

When Y/N asks about meeting up for lunch she always responds the same, "I am busy, Y/N. I have important things to do." Y/N would respond with a nod, "Enjoy work, Nat. I love you, bye." Natasha would hang up the call without a second thought and would get straight back to working.

Natasha then realized the fucked up part from all of this...she would have an intimate night before with Y/N and then the next morning she would barely acknowledge what happened, she got mad at the little things, until she wanted to have sex again with Y/N.

It was a pattern.
And Y/N endured it because she loves her, she always has and she always will.

One thing that was even more fucked up is that she'd never say 'I love you' back, when that happens.

Natasha felt extremely guilty, she felt like an ass whole for putting Y/N, her Y/N, through all of that shit. Natasha loves her, that's what said, that's what she says.

Through the whole meeting Natasha just thought about Y/N and how she can make it up to her, about trying to ask for Y/Ns' forgiveness if she's willing to forgive her for all the pain that she has caused her.

After the meeting

The meeting ended at 12:00 and Natasha was the first one to leave the meeting room, leaving everyone confused, they noticed that she was more quite than usual. She is normally one to stay behind and talk more about the up coming missions, but not this time.

Natasha asked for Fury's permission to take the rest of the day off, and due to her hard work, he gave her the permission to take leave for the rest of the day. Natasha got all of her files neatly packed in her bag and placed on the passenger seats at the back, she got in her drivers seat and drove to the nearest store that she could find.

Natasha bought Y/Ns' favorite flowers and favorite snacks for the movie night that she was planning on asking her for.

Natasha was nervous about coming home early.. but why?
She was 2 minutes away from their house.
She parked her car and got the flowers and
your favorite snacks ready.
She took a deep breath before stepping out of the car walking up to the door and knocking...

Knock knock knock

Y/N opened the door, confused, to find Natasha standing there with a bouquet of flowers, her favorite flowers, in hand and a bag filled with something, that she didn't know were her favorite snacks for movie night.

"Natasha?" Y/N asked confused. "Hi." Natasha said for some reason it was the only word she could say at that time, she mentally cursed herself for it. "What are you doing here? I thought you were at work until late tonight." Y/N said opening the door more and taking a step back so that Natasha could come inside.

Natasha slowly walked into their house, still feeling guilty, "I took the day off." "That's good, I'm glad, Nat, you deserve a break." "Yeah." Natasha nodded her head and hugged Y/N giving her a quick kiss before pulling away, "These flowers are for you, I know that they are your favorite." She said handing the bouquet over to her, "And I got you your favorite snacks too, maybe for movie night tonight, if you'd like." Natasha said softly shaking the bag filled with goods.

Y/N was speechless as it was a long time since Natasha has done something like this for her.

"I'm sorry-" Natasha said rubbing her forehead in anxiousness "No- no I'm sorry. This is all very lovely, thank you, Nat. I really appreciate it especially these flowers, they are really pretty."
"Yeah, yes they are, but not as pretty as you, detka." Natasha said giving a light kiss to Y/Ns lips.

She felt so relieved when you kissed back.
She felt happy.

Now it's time to apologize. By showing just how sorry she is to you...

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