A cappuccino (Lucy) (Pt.1?)

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I was wiping down the counter, cleaning it from the coffee spills that appeared through out the day.

I heard the bell to the coffee shop door ring, indicating that someone entered or exited.
I looked up to find a lady walking towards the counter.

She was very beautiful, short blonde hair, green eyes and she had on a lovely outfit.

"Hi." I heard someone say, it was that beautiful lady, her voice is beautiful.
"Hello, welcome. What can I get for you today?" I asked her. "Yeah, I'll take a cuppacino and a chocolate muffin, please." "Right away, ma'am." "Oh, can I add something to that?" She asked "Yes, of course. What would you like to add?"
"Your name and number." I blushed a little, nodding my head.
"Y/N. Y/N is my name." "That's a beautiful name, Y/N. A beautiful name for a beautiful lady. My names Lucy."
"It's lovely to meet you, Lucy." I said and looked at her, only to find her staring at me already, we made eye contact, "So, what about that number, Y/N?" "Oh, um, I don't think we are allowed to give our numbers to customers." "That's fine, but I think we should also break the rules every now and then, don't you?" I nodded my head, "I do." I said smiling.

I had finished making her cuppacino and got out her chocolate muffin for her, putting it on the counter next to the cash register.
"Okay. Your cuppacino and chocolate muffin, is ready to go." "Thank you. So how about that number?" "You're really out to get my number aren't you, Lucy?" "Well you're a really pretty lady, who I want to take out on a date sometime, maybe Friday night? I'll pick you up."
Lucy, said looking at me up and down for a second and then back to my eyes.
"Well I hope it isn't just because of my looks." I laughed a little. "Well of course not, Y/N. It's also because I'm very much interested in you, and I'd like to get to know you better." Lucy smirked.

"Okay." I said smiling, grabbing a napkin and taking my pen out of my aprons' pocket. I wrote down my number and my name next to it.
"There you go, Lucy." I handed the napkin to her "Thanks, darling. I'll text you." I blushed at the name, my cheeks went red and I think she saw that, I could tell by the small smirk she had on her face.
"I'll pick you up, Friday evening. It's a date." She slowly started walking backwards. I let out a little giggle, nodding my head in a agreement.
She turned around and made her exit.

She exited the coffee shop, but before she walked further she turned around, looking at me for the last time, subtly waving her hand at me and walked off smiling.

After a few minutes I got a text message that read, "Hey it's me, Lucy. From the coffee shop, don't forget about our date. Friday 18:00, I'll pick you up. Bye, angel."
I could feel my cheeks heat up from excitement and turn red from blushing.

Now, I can't wait for Friday.
I can't wait for our date.
I'll see you then, Lucy.

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