The Player (Pt2)

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It was Monday.


I've spent the whole weekend thinking about me and Natashas' kiss and about Yelenas' warning about me being with her.
Ugh, it's going to be such a long day today.

"Jess, you ready? Let's go! We're going to be late for school!" I shouted loud enough so she could hear me from downstairs.

It's Currently 07:25 and school starts at 08:00 and we still have to drive to the school and get our books that we need today from our lockers.

"Jess!" I shouted feeling a anxious about being late due to over thinking.
"Alright, I'm coming, I'm coming." Jess said annoyed.
"C'mon, I'm driving. I have your car keys now let's go." I said. "Okay, I'm coming I'll come to the car now." "I'll see you in the car, Jess."

We're driving to school listening to some music like 'Everybody wants to rule the world by Tears for Tears'.
"Hey, quick question." Jess asked out of the blue, "Yeah? Okay...shoot. What's the question?"

What's this about now? Please don't be about the party.

"Where did you disappear to at the party? I was looking for you, you know?"
Well...shit, I don't know what to say.
"Y/N..." "Yes, yeah. I um, I went to go sleep for a know felt a bit tired." I said, I feel so guilty for lying to her, she's my best friend. "If you were tired you could have just called me so we could leave." "I didn't want to disturb you. Someone said that you went upstairs with some guy." Jess's cheeks flushed a light red from the memory of the at least what happened between the two at the party.
"Okay, we have reached our destination. Let's get our books and get to class, we can meet up for lunch. Okay, Jess?" "Sounds good, see you at lunch. Good luck with your classes." "Thanks, Jess."

We got our books and went out separate ways for our classes since we only have the same classes after our 2nd break.

First break

It was finally lunch time and I was busy getting my books from my locker ready for my next periods.
I felt someone staring at me so when I looked to my left no one, I looked to my right and there she was...just standing there.
Natasha was leaning against the wall on her phone busy typing to someone, I wonder who she's texting?

I went back to packing my books and I felt a precence behind me, I looked back and Natasha was standing there.
"Hey...can we talk? Please?" She asked, she sounded different...sad maybe? I don't know, why do I want to know?
"I can't, not right now. Sorry." "Please, Y/N it will only take 2 minutes of your time. It's about the party." Ohh okay, I know where this is going. She's most likely going to say that, that kiss was a mistake and that it meant nothing.

Right? Right..

"I'm really sorry Natasha I can't, I'm just really busy right now. Maybe later? Okay? Bye."
Jeez, that was hard to say mostly because I was scared of what she was going to say but I was also scared because my feelings for her came back..but did they ever leave?

I left Natasha standing there and I walked to meet Jess for lunch, hoping that she won't ask why I'm late. "Hey, there you are! I was looking for you, where were you?" Jess interigated me "Relax Jess, I was just 5 minutes late, it's not the end of the world." "Yes Y/N, that's the problem you're never late. Listen ever since the party you've been acting weird, like, strangely weird. Is everything okay? Did something happen that night?" "What no, no I'm fine. Just stressed out for exams and stuff. I'm fine, I promise." Jess gave me a skeptical look, but I ignored it and said that we should go eat.

After lunch

Break was over now so me and Jess went to our next class, Math, for two periods, great, who's also in that class? Natasha and she sits two seats away on the right side of me. Great just great.

We get to class and went directly to our seats I sat down and as soon as I did I felt someone staring at me, it was her again.
Natasha has been glancing at me the whole lesson now..what does she want?
The bell rang indicating that our 2nd break has started.
Jess and I met up again and talked about studying for the exams and what we would be doing for our school holiday since that is in like 2 weeks when exams end.
Jess and I were in the same periods for the rest of the day so we stuck together.

End of the day

I was taking my books from my locker to study from when I get home.

"Why'd you just run away like that?" I turned around quickly to see who it was and Natasha was there, standing directly in front of me, just like at the party. "Fucking hell! Natasha! You scared me for a second there." I gave a nervous laugh, taking a step back and she took one forward. "Don't fuck with me Y/N." Natasha said in a serious tone. "How am I fucking with you? You came up to me from out of no where and can I just say sneaking up on someone is not cool."
"You wouldn't have been snuck up on if you'd just had talked to me earlier and listened to what I had to say." Natasha seethed.
"I told you, I was busy-" "Busy my ass, you've been avoiding me ever since the fucking party," Natasha took a step forward, "I've been trying to text you the whole time. I've been calling you and begging to talk to you, but you keep avoiding me."
My back is against the lockers, getting flash backs from the party.
"I didn't receive any texts from you."

That's a lie, that's a big fat lie.

I have been getting her texts and calls, I just ignored them.
"Bullshit! You left me on read! I am trying to talk to you, Y/N, but you've been avoiding me, why?" "I've-" "And don't say you've been fucking busy because you and I both know that's a fucking lie."

I was at loss for words.

"What? Don't have anymore fucking excuses to why you've been fucking ignoring me?" Natasha  seethed. Her anger coming through.

Shit what have I done?

"I'm sorry." I said lowering my head.
"You're sorry! You're fucking sorry! That's all. Y/N, look at me. Fucking look at me." She said pining me to the lockers making me look up at her. "If you'd just let us talk then you'd know that I like you, that I didn't think kissing you was a mistake unlike you did."
"I don't!" I said a little bit too loud.
"You don't what?" "I don't think it was a mistake I-" "Bullshit everything that you are saying is fucking bullshit, I heard you and Yelenas' conversation after we kissed, I went after you to offer you if you'd like to sleep over instead of driving in the dark, because I know that you've never liked driving in the dark. I heard you saying that our kiss was a 'drunken mistake'." Natasha said her voice breaking a bit.

I'm so stupid, so, so stupid.
I hurt her.
I didn't mean to.

"Natasha, I'm sorry okay? I'm really, really sorry. I didn't mean to, okay? It's just that-" "What, huh? Is it because I'm known as a player? Would you honestly think that I'd do that to you? Y/N you were my best friend, to me you still are deep in my heart, I promised you that I would never hurt you, why would you think I'd break that promise now?" Natashas' voice was breaking now, shit, I really did hurt her, I didn't mean to.

I did the only thing I could think of.

I kissed her.

She kissed back.

The kiss was filled with lots of passion and mixed feelings. I pulled away after a few seconds and said, "I am sorry. I was just scared and when I'm scared I tend to run, so I ran. I ran from you because I like you too, Natasha, I have for a while now, I was just scared to say anything, fucking hell I liked you ever since we were best friends but then suddenly you just pulled away from me, which hurt, a lot, Natasha it really hurt. So why? Why'd you run away from me first?" I looked into her eyes and all I saw was guilt, she looked really guilty and... relieved in a way?
"I liked you when we were best friends, I caught feelings and I got scared of rejection. So I started distancing myself from you to make me not like you anymore. To make my heart stop aching for you and for you to like me back. Stupid, I know but I was confused okay, but that was 2 years ago. I changed Y/N. I changed. I'll change for you, I'll become a better person. A better version of myself for you, if you'd just give me a chance. Please?"
"Okay." I swallowed.
"Okay?" "I'll give you a chance Natasha, please don't make me regret it because I really, really like you." Natasha smiled, "I really, really like you too Y/N."

We kissed again, the kiss was passionate nothing more, nothing less.

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