*Gamer Pt. 2

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GP Nat


She got up and took off her top showing off her beautiful abs.
"You ready for this, detka? Because once I'm done with you, you'll be left whimpering.. begging, for more once I'm done fucking you." Natasha hushed in my ear.

My cheeks blushed a deep shade of red, all I could do was nod in need for her. "Good fuckin' girl." Natasha started kissing down my neck again.
This is going to be a long night, and I am already excited for what she has planned for me.


In a heated kiss mixed with groans from her and whimpers coming from myself.
My hands roamed down her abdomen, running down her abs to her sweatpants, I tugged on it wanting her to take it off. She gladly complied, smiling, she took it off and continued kissing me.
She suddenly pulled away and made a move to take my top off, "Can I take this off, baby?"
With a nod of my head I answered a, "Yes." Out of breath and ready for more to come.
She took my top off and leaned down to leave her kisses down the valley of my breasts and left her love marks behind.
"Natasha, please." I moaned, "no more teasing."
She only smirked and kissed down my abdomen towards the waist band of my pants and slid them down along with my underwear.

Goosebumps made their way across my skin from the slightly cold air.
Natasha had taken her time, kissing her way up my thighs and started traveling towards my inner thighs.

She put my legs on her shoulders, closer to where I need her most.
She continued to kiss and lightly bite my inner thighs leaving me moaning, begging, for more, "Natasha."
"You know what to do, baby. Beg for it."
I whimpered, "Please." I felt her smirk before she started to lick up my sensitive parts.
She started to gently suck on my clit.
I moaned at the feeling of pleasure, my body getting hot, a pit of firey warmth fulling in my stomach.
" 'm close, Nat," I moaned, "please.."
I was getting close to the edge before she pulled away with one last lick and a kiss on my clit.
"I want you to cum on my dick." she moaned and kissed her way back up my body to my lips again.
She slid her tongue into my mouth, the kiss turning more passionate and sensual kiss by kiss. I tugged on the band of her underwear, signaling her to take it off.

She happily complied and took it off along with her bra. She sat on her knees to get a better look at me, making her way between my legs, closer to where I needed her the most.
She took hold of herself, her other hand found placement on my thigh.
She jerked herself for a few seconds before leaning forward and giving me a kiss on my lips.
Natasha laid her forehead on mine, "You ready, baby?" She smirked.
"Yes." I nodded and she smiled.
I felt the tip of her cock slowly enter me until she was fully inside of me, leaving us both moaning of pleasure.

She kissed me again and settled herself further on me, her chest pressing against mine as our hips touch, my legs around her waist.
She laid her forearm next to my head as her other hand traveled down my body and held my thighs.
Natasha started moving her hips, in a slow and steady pace, I let out a low moan of her name which seemed to encourage her to move faster.
Her thursts became harder and faster, filled with love and passion.
I felt her hand grip my thigh before traveling lower to play with my clit, rubbing it gently as she kept her movements fast and steady.
"Natasha." I moaned, into her ear, she groaned, "Say it again, detka. Say my name again," she kissed my cheek and leaned into my ear, "I wanna hear you fuckin' scream it." she said as she bit my ear lobe, she kissed my neck and continued leaving dark hickey marks behind.
The pleasure so intense and powerful.
I could feel a deep pit of warmth in my stomach becoming stronger, my legs had started to twitch, becoming close to the edge.
" 'm gonna cum." I whimpered.
"Yeah," she continued rubbing circles on me, never stopping her movements, "cum for me, detka."
She groaned into my ear.
I let out a whimper as I felt her breath on my neck, her lips grazing my neck forming into a smirk, knowing I was close to the edge... because of her.

The warmth in my stomach, and legs twitching, she slowly stopped rubbing my clit.
"Fuck! Natasha!," I loudly moaned, scratching down her back out of intense pleasure, "fuck! 'm cumming, Nat." I released all over her. "Me too, dorogaya, yebat' (fuck)," I felt her soon cum inside of me with a groan, "fuck." She chuckled, smiling.
Natasha slowed her hip movement to a still, and rested her hips against mine.
She rested on her forearms that laid beside my head, she brushed some hair out of my face and place a kiss on my cheek then a long kiss on my lips.
"You okay?" She asked as see pulled away.
"Mhm. I'm so good." I gave her a dopey smile.
She hummed in response and gave a long kiss to my lips, I happily reciprocated until she pulled back a little, "Wanna go for round two." She smirked.

It's gonna be a long night ahead of us and this was just the beginning.

I apologize for the late update

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