*Rugby Player (N.R)

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Natasha: Rugby captain, GP, 19 years old

Y/N: Supporter (cheerleader only for natasha), 18 years old


Me and Natasha have been together for 2 years.

We've been together ever since she asked me to be her girlfriend a week before her first rugby match, as she said it was 'good luck' asking me out before the time because I am her 'good luck charm'...
She won that match for her and her team.

I have been watching Natasha play ruby from the stands for about 2 and a half hours now, it is currently 16:35, she has been practicing so hard for the tournament that takes place in about 2 weeks.
Luckily, it is nearly 17:00 so we can go home and relax and lay in each others arms for the rest of the evening but we have another 25 minutes before that happens.

She was busy practicing another game.
Running around the field and tackling her rival team to retrieve the ball and receiving another touch down, indicating that her team had won the match.

Natasha was sweating, profusely, causing strands of her hair to stick to her forehead, making her top stick to her abs, sweat dripping down her face.

Natasha took the bottom of her shirt and lifted it to wipe her face, showing off her gorgeously toned 6 pack of abs. Her abs contracted with her everything movement and heavy breathing from running a lot and from being in the heat.

I clapped for her, sorry, their, win yelling a quick "Go, Nat!" She looked at me and winked, I saw a little smirk form from her lips and she went off running to her team to celebrate their victory. The coach congrulated her, with a hand on her shoulder telling her how proud he is of her and how far she has become, they have like a father-daughter type of relationship, which I find adorable.

At 16:58, I saw Natasha running back to me, so I got down from the stands to greet her on the field. We jogged to each other and hugged one another. "Finally, we can go home and uh.. cuddle." Natasha said with a groan,
I laughed and nodded my head 'yes', "Time to go home, Natty." "Yes, it is, detka. C'mon." She said grabbing my hand and leading us to her car, opening my door for me and closing once I got in. She got in the drivers seat and automatically took off her top, claiming that her top was making her uncomfortable as it was wet with her sweat. I just nodded and stared at her as I was a little shocked.

Now Natasha was in her black sports bra and her shorts, showing off her muscles, mostly her abs.

I got flash backs of when I was underneath her, busy getting fucked, hard, by her and her abs were contracting ,continuously, with her hip movements, her thrusts being rough and hard, safe to say I couldn't walk properly last week.

Natasha put her hand on my thigh while we were driving to our apartment.
I was thinking of last week Saturday, when she and her teammates won her all of their matches and how we celebrated....ended up me not being able walk properly and people, my friends, asked me all over the place 'What's wrong?' and I would reply with a simple 'I'm fine, just had a little fall.' while Natasha would just watch in amusement and smirk, knowing that she was the cause for it.

"What's on your mind, detka? You seem out of it." Natasha asked rubbing my thigh in a comforting way, I shook my head 'no', "No, no nothings wrong, I was just thinking." "Thinking about?" Natasha persisted, "Last week Saturday." I mumbled. Natasha let out a little laugh and squeeze my thigh, "Why? You wanna do it again? I'll make sure to do my job properly this time and make sure you can't walk for a week instead." I blushed. Flustered and at loss for words so all I could simply do was nod my head 'yes', "I'm going to need words, sweetheart." "Yes." "Good girl. Much better." Natashas hand was rubbing up my thigh higher, "Don't say that...we're in a car!" "Yeah and? That's never stopped us before." She smirked
"Just- just keep on driving." I mumbled hiding my smile.

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