You should cut your hair more(S.J)

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Scarlett: Is taller, like 5'11 and cuts her hair to surprise her girlfriend. GP

Y/N: Is shorter than Scarlett, 5'5, and is waiting for Scarlett to get home after hair appointment. (Like the Picture above was the inspiration, any hair cut off hers is really attractive.) 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

It was currently 17:45 and I was waiting for my girlfriend, Scarlett, to get home from her hair appointment. I can't wait to see Scarletts new hair, as she was talking about how her hair will be surprising for me on our phone call, when Scarlett was busy driving back home.

Scarlett arrived home

I heard Scarlett's car pull into the driveway and parking in the garage. I felt a little buzz in my pocket and saw a text from Scarlett that said, 'Close your eyes and don't peak.' And I texted back 'Okay. Done.' I went to go sit down on the couch and closed my eyes, making sure not to peak.

I heard the door unlock and being opened then closed after a few seconds. I could hear her footsteps coming closer towards me, she stood in front of me, only a few feet away.
"Hey, baby." she said in her raspy voice. "Hi." I said, getting caught off guard by her attractive voice, saying 'hi' was the only thing I could do. "What, I've been gone for a couple hours and all I get is a 'hi'?" Scarlett said teasing me, "I'm sorry. Hi Scarlett, how are you?" My eyes are still closed, how does she expect me to have a conversation with her when anticipation is killing me to see her new hair.

"You can open your eyes soon, sweetheart. Just give me a second, okay?" I nodded my head and smiled, "Okay." I heard a few things, like stuff being put down and then I felt her hands on my knees, feeling pressure for a second and she was now down on her knees in front of me.

Scarlett's hands were still on my knees and she was rubbing little circles on my knees with her thumbs.
"Open your eyes when I count to three, okay, baby?" "Okay, on three." I smiled, I couldn't wait to see her hair. "One..two...three. Open them." I opened my eyes and I was shocked, in a good way of course.

I was speechless.

"Wow- I- I'm speechless." Scarlett's smile faded and I instantly felt bad. "No, no Scarlett, in a good way. You look good- great. You look great. Your hair certainly looks different but..very, very attractive." Scarlett smirked, "You think I look attractive, sweetheart." I nodded, "I do think. You look very attractive, short hair seems to suite you. You should cut your hair more because any haircut seems to suit you." I let out a little laugh at the end. "Do you wanna touch it? My hair is extremely softer now and definitely much smoother." "Your hair is always soft and smooth, Scar." I said while running my hands through her hair, tugging her hair a bit here and there. Scarlett's hair was a boyish haircut, short at the back and long in the front and the sides. It's the perfect length.

Scarlett stood up and sat next me, running a hand through her hair, letting out an exhausted sigh, leaning back on the couch. "Tired, Scar?" "For you? Never." She said pulling me gently into her lap, letting me straddle her.

"Jeez, you could give someone a warning before you do that." I said, making myself more comfortable on her lap. Scarlett groaned, "Baby, stop moving." When I realized what Scarlett was talking about I immediately blushed and stopped moving. "Awe, my little baby's blushing. You look very cute when you blush." Her saying that caused me to blush again. She lightly chuckled. Gosh even her chuckling is attractive.

"I want to fuck you so fucking badly, right now." She asked all of a sudden, "Nothings stopping you, Scarlett." I whispered in her ear.

Our lips connected in a sweet kiss.
The kiss was gentle and passionate. She grabbed my waist and pulled me closer making me subtly grind against her boner that was starting to grow.
I combed my hands through Scarletts hair making her groan and pull me further into her.

Our bodies are rubbing against one another, with our hands travelling over each others bodies in a heated make out.

"Bedroom?" Scarlett asked in her raspy voice, I nodded in the kiss, smiling, "Bedroom." I agreed.
She got us up and walked up stairs to our room. I can tell that tonight is going to be a long night and a fun one.

Don't text and drive. Be safe out there.
The call was connected to the car via bluetooth. 😊

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