This was all a..dare? (Pt. 3)

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It had a few days, nearing two weeks, since the party incident had taken place.

Natasha has been trying to apologize for what happened by buying me flowers and my favorite snacks.
She'd leave them on my doorstep with a heartfelt note attached to it.
Sometimes if I looked closely enough I could see the dried up tear drops.

I felt bad.
I really did.

She's been apologizing, I've been ignoring her. She's been patient and I've been doing nothing but sobbing all the days watching rom-coms, eating my favourite ice-cream while lounging around in my sleepwear.

I was currently sitting on my couch watching my show with a light thunderstorm in the background.
The roaring like thunder ripping through the dark misty clouds with the lightening bolts lighting up the dark midnight sky.

I heard a notification sound from my phone.
Kate had texted me.
'Hey, you okay? How're you feeling?' The message read. I didn't have the strength to message back so I just stared at it not knowing what to do.
Then a guilt like feeling made it's way to I message her back. 'Hey, Kate. I'm doing much better now! Busy watching comedies!' I tried to make the message more enthusiastic so she wouldn't have to worry about me.

I focused back on my show, trying to distract myself from the guilt of ignoring Natasha..and now Kate.
I took another bite of my ice-cream letting out a little smile at something the character on the screen said.
I was in my own little world until I heard some ruckus on my doorstap.
Wondering what it was, and whether the storm had caused it, I placed my ice-cream on the coffee table.
I made my way to the front door and opened it to see no one there.
Until I looked down.


Crouched down on her one knee busy placing a bouquet of my favorite flowers down, with a note sticking out from the middle on the flowers, and a box of goodies next to it.

"Natasha.." "Hey," she quickly stood up and and dusted her, now damp, jeans off from 'dust', "I was, uh-" "Why're you here?" it came out in a whisper like tone, with my voice lightly hoarse from crying. "I came to drop those off," she pointed towards the flowers laying on the ground, "were you asleep? I didn't mean to disturb you." "No. I was, uhm..watching some shows." I gave her a small smile.

We held eye contact, for I don't know how long, until a lightning strike has hit again leaving a loud sound behind. I flinch a little and Natasha checked the rain then her eyes made its way back to me, "I better get going..I'll see you, yeah?" She said the nervousness evident in her voice. She made a move to get off my doorstep "Wait.." I grabbed her arm, now a dark gray from the rain, I bit my lip, "uhm...its raining-"
"Yeah, I couldn't tell." She said with humor.
I smiled.

Since the first time we 'took a break' I smiled.
She still has the most beautiful smile ever, even if we're going through a rough path right now, she still makes her way to get me to smile and laugh.

"Come inside-"
"I shouldn't. I know you want your space from me.."
"Nat, it's storming. At least stay until it dies down..for me?"
"For you, moya lyubov."
"Good.." I smiled and crouched down to pick the flowers up and pulled her inside my warm house compared to the outside weather.

I saw Natasha shiver in the corner of my eye.
"You cold?" I asked, I know she is, that's such a random question to ask, course she is.
She was in the rain.
"Uh, no. I'm good.." She said, I could tell she was though on how her beautiful red lips were now turning a blue-ish colour.

"Nat.." She looked at me, our eyes met and we held eye contact, "your clothes are upstairs. In the drawer it's normally in." "I really shouldn't-"
"Please. You're shivering, your lips are blue and you're wet. I don't want you to get sick."
I heard her let out a sign, "Okay..but I promise I don't stay long..I'll be out of your hair in no time." "What if I want you to stay?" I said before I could stop myself. "You want me to stay, baby."
My eyes widened in surprise and also a bit of nerves, "I's been two weeks..we about it."
"Yeah, that sounds..nice. I'll go change then we can talk."

After Natasha changed

I was sitting on the couch with a cup of warmth in my hands, warming me and my body up.
I heard footsteps coming down from the stairs.
I turned to look at her. My breath got caught in my throat from how good she looked.
I really missed this.
I desperately missed her..and needed her.
"You look..good. Warm and good." I smiled trying to lighten the mood.
"Yeah, I can already feel the heat getting to me."
"Come sit. I made a cup of coffee for you. Your favorite." I pat a spot next to me on the couch
She eyed the spot looking unsure.
Then her eyes made it way back to my face to check if it was.
I only nodded my head to make her comfortable.
"Thanks, I bet it tastes good." She's at herself down next time and took the coffee filled mug into her cold hands, then lift it to her cold lips.
I saw her take a sip and gulp the liquid down, I saw her throat moving as she did so...
Still so attractive as ever.

I was lost in a trance until she brought me out of it, "It tastes good. I knew it..since you did make it." I smiled, "Thanks..I guess it's one of my superpowers then." "Yeah..could just be it."

Then it got quiet again, all that could be heard were the rain droplets on the window.
After minutes, which felt like hours, of silence she spoke up again.

"The storm looks calmer..I guess I should make my way home," she placed the mug back on the table and stood up, "thanks..for the coffee and for having me." I watched as she dusted her pants again, she took one step.


And I was up from the soft couch.
I went to stand infront of her, "Wait. Please...please don't go." I caved in on myself and hugged her.
To no surprise she immediately hugged me back.
With my arms around her back and hers around my waist, I cried into her chest.
I don't know why but I did.
"Baby.. it's okay, darling... I'm not going anywhere. Not unless you want me to."
"I'm sorry-" she lightly pulled away to take my face into her cold hands, her palms cooling my warmed red cheeks down, "You have nothing to be sorry for. It should be me that should be apologizing," she placed a kiss on my forehead, "okay? I'm sorry." She kept repeating 'I'm sorry' as she placed kisses all around my face.
"I'm sorry, okay?" She gave a last kiss on my lips.

I kissed back.

She sighed into the kiss and we held each other close. She pulled away and placed her forehead on mine. By then I could tell she was also crying. With tear streaks down her face.
We saw each others crying faces and laughed together.
"I miss you." I whispered as our laughter died down.
She let out a faint smile, "I've missed you too, moya lyubov.. More than you'll ever know."
She looked deep into my eyes, "I love you."
I had butterflies in my stomach as I heard that.
My heart leaping with joy and happiness.
I didn't show it fully as I didn't know how to react.
She looked for any reaction from me, she looked disappointed before I kissed her.
"I love you, Natasha."

She smiled, "Does this mean we can get back together?" " does."
We had mini make out session full with passion
She asked to go to my room...


Laying in my bed as well cuddled with each other, my head resting on her chest, her heartbeat bringing me comfort.
Her arms wrapped around me, keeping me warm.
"We should probably go's 02:15..we're gonna be tired when we wake up." I heard her say, her voice was raspy from exhaustion.
I let out a relaxed sign, "Yeah..," I cuddled more into her chest, "sweet dreams, Nat.."
"Sweet dreams, my love."

As I was dozing off to sleep I heard her whisper to herself, not knowing I was still awake, "I'm gonna marry you one day. Soon hopefully.."
Then I felt a light warm kiss on my cheek.
Then we both fell into a slumber in each others arms.

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