Evil (Lucy)

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My best friend, Kate and I were sitting in my room, door closed and sitting on my bed talking about our love lives...well, at least my love life.

If you can call it that.

"So? What happened?" She asked
"She called the other day." I sighed to my Kate.
"And, what'd you do?" She looked at me expectantly.
"I stayed away..." I gave them the best smile I could muster up.
"That's good! She doesn't deserve you." Kate was happy for me, smiling so happily.

"I left her shit on read four times today."
"Good. She deserves that and you deserve somebody that has time for you and that actually loves you," She smiled proudly side hugging me, "how'd it feel." She asked giving me an encouraging smile.
"It felt like bliss," I smiled, "used to miss her kiss." My best friend gave me a sad smile.

"Now your hop-skip jumping over narcissists." Kate said, "you're throwing all her stuff into the abyss. I'm proud of you." Kate gave me a proud smile.

"I never knew what it meant to be content with her. Everything I expressed, I professed
It never quite made it through to her," Kate looked at me, "She said that it's all in my head especially whenever I spoke the truth."
"She's such a bitch. Toxic and manipulative, I don't even know what you saw in Lucy, luckily you're done with her." Kate said.
I nodded my head in agreement.

"I remember when she smiled right to my face, I didn't know what to feel.
As all my tears of oxalate made a shape, it revealed a snake-"
"Lucy's a snake. I told you that. I'm telling you that." I gave her a look.
"Now. I'm stop-drop rolling over all her jokes-" "Finally! Her jokes were lame anyways." Kate rolled her eyes, getting annoyed by remembering them.

"Everytime she told a lie I'm praying that she choked-" I got mad.
"I hope that she choked on a daily basis... even on air." Kate chimmed in laughing evilly.
"I should've listened to the signs and the horoscopes." "Yes! You should've! You should have listened to me too, but we are in this together. We can get through this." Kate sympathized with me.
"I hoped she never copes, I hope she slips on soap-"
"And cracks her head like an egg, wanna see the yolk." Kate finished my sentence smirking.
"She is such a hoax!" I slightly raised my voice at the end of my sentence.

"Took you way too long to put this to bed." Kate said, getting prouder and happier that I'm finally, finally, getting over Lucy.
Slowly but surely.
"Loving her was lethal, guess that makes me evil." I said smirking a bit.

I was- I am mad.
I'm angry.
I'm annoyed even.
I'm heartbroken.
I feel hopeless knowing that I fell for her tricks.
Over and over and over again...

I couldn't help it,
I was in love with her.

Some tears were forming in my eyes, but from what?
Sadness? Or the relief from finally being free from her.

Free from


I'm so sorry for being AFK these past few months, things have been a bit hectic...


I'm back!

This one-shot was inspired by a song
Evil - by Melanie Martinez
I 10000% recommend this song, it's amazing.
Hope you enjoy! 😊

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