*The Party (P.t 5)

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For dear @valeska_1547

(I hope I did this justice 😭)

(I hope I did this justice 😭)

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I felt like this was the beginning of something new, something great.

A few months later

Natasha has been taking me out on dates ever since that one evening...
We're going on a date later this evening too, our sixth date.

We are going to the movie theater for our date tonight.
I'm currently getting ready to leave, checking my outfit in the mirror and making sure I've got my phone and house keys with me.
There's a knock on the door that pulled me out of my thoughts.

Natasha was standing there with my favorite flowers in hand, "You ready to get this date started?" She asked.
I smiled nodding my head, "More than ready." She handed me the flowers and took my hand leading us to her car.
She opened the car door like the gentlewoman that she is.
"Are you ready to have the best night of our lives?" Natasha grinned, starting the car she drove us off to the movies.

After the date

Natasha safely drove us to my house while the moon, in the lovely light up night sky, followed us home.

Natasha walked me to my front porch.
I turned around, "Would you like to come inside?" "Sure, why not." Natasha smiled taking a step inside the house.
I left her to my bedroom and set my things on the bedside table along with taking my shoes off, "Make yourself at home." I told her.
She seemed to get the drift and took off her jacket too seeming as it was getting hot.

Natasha went to stand at the foot of the bed just looking around my room, I went to stand in front of her, "What're you looking for?"
"Nothing in particular...did you," Natasha took a deep breathe in, "enjoy our date tonight..?" Natasha looked at my eyes and to my lips then back to my eyes.
"Of course I did. I loved it." I looked at her lips then to her beautiful green eyes.
Both of us getting the hint we both leaned in close to each other, closing the gap between us with our lips connecting in a sweet kiss.

Natasha continued to passionately kiss me and I reciprocated the kiss.
Kissing her back with just as much passion. With her hands on my waist she guided us back towards the bed and pushed me on it while she climbed in between my legs and contined to kiss me.

She trailed her kisses down my jawline to my neck and whispered in my ear, "You sure?"
I nodded my head, she squeezed my waist not being happy with the answer, "Words, detka."
"Yes, Natty." She smiled at the nickname and continued to kiss down my neck until she reached my collar bone.

She tugged the bottom of my shirt wanting to take it off.
Throwing my shirt in a corner of the room and moved down towards my pants and doing the same.
She moved back up my body again and kissed all over my chest marking me.
Leaving mini love bites behind.
I tugged on her shirt and helped her remove it, most likely throwing it in the same corner as my shirt. She then disgarded her pants leaving the both of us in our underwear just looking at each other with awe and love in our eyes.
She leaned down giving my lips a peck before gently taking off my bra and doing the same to herself.

Now the only barrier of clothing that's blocking us is our underwear, sadly.
She kissed the valley of my breasts.
She kissed her way down my body leaving her love bites behind until she got to the waist of my underwear, she pulled them down using her teeth.
I'm now laying naked beneath her.
I felt her shifting above me, looking up to see her pulling her own boxers down letting her member spring free hitting her lower abdomen.

Natasha gently rubbed my thighs with her finger tips, soothing my nerves.
I grabbed her hands and pulled her back down to me again, pulling her in for a kiss.
I wrapped my arms around her neck and my legs around her waist.

Natasha created enough distance between us to grab her member and position herself in front of my entrance.
Her green eyes made eye contact with my eyes, "Tell me when you want me to move. We go at your pace, okay?" "Okay...I want you Nat. All of you." And with that she slowly pushed inside of me, kissing me to distract me from the pain.
Natasha continued to move in a bit deeper.
I winced due to the slight pain I felt of the stretching of my walls around her.
"You okay?", she checked in with me, I nodded still getting used to the slight stretch and the new profound feeling.
Natasha pushed all the way inside me, bottoming out and stilling her movements.
She waited until I gave her a nod of confirmation that she could move.

Her movements started off slow and gentle as our bodies rubbed together.
She held my hand, pinning it beside my head.
Her hips thrusting against mine in a slow rhythmic pace.

Slow, passionate and sensual.

Natasha kissed my neck down to my chest.
The room was filled with our breathy moans and Natasha's groans and moans filled my ears, making me want her more.
She looked me in my eyes, "You're so beautiful, baby." She groaned out.
My heart swelled out of happiness.
I smiled and kissed her soft lips only to pull away with a moan of her name.
With a few more thrusts of her hips I felt myself starting to get closer, with a deep warmth in my stomach.
My breathing got heavier as I released more moans of pleasure.
Natasha sensed that I was close so she moved one hand to circle my clit with her thumb while kissing my neck adding to all the immense pleasure I was feeling due to her.
I let out a loud moan as I felt myself come undone.
Natasha pulled out just in time to ejaculate on my stomach with a groan of my name.

I heard her breathe out a curse before setting her forehead on mine, both of us panting from our orgasms.
After a few moments of calming down.
I felt Natasha shift and get out of bed.
She went to throw on a pair of boxers and walked to the bathroom.
Not long after that I heard the tap running.

She came back with a light smile on her face, "Bath's getting ready for us." She picked me up bridal style and took us to the bathroom.
She turned the faucet off and checked if whether the water was too hot, it was just right.

She slowly placed me in the water and climbed in behind after. "You okay?" Natasha hummed in my ear, hugging me from behind, "I didn't go too rough did I?" I shook my head, "No..no it was perfect. You were perfect." I whispered leaning into her touch.
My back pressed against her front, letting us mold together as one, like we were a puzzle piece meant to fit together.
Until I felt Natasha reach over to get something, a wash cloth and body soap.
She squeezed the soap onto the cloth and started gently cleaning my arms and back, leaving feather light shoulder kisses behind.

After we were both done washing, Natasha got us out of the tub and wrapped us in our warm towels. She walked us to the bedroom and sat me on the bed. She got herself dressed in her PJ's before she helped me, putting lotion on my body, sentially massaging it in and helping me get dressed, being extra sure she's gentle and not hurting me.

After Natasha got us ready for bed she tucked us in under the soft duvey, spooning me from behind. "Goodnight, detka. I love you." I heard her murmur from behind my ear, placing a kiss under my ear. "I love you, Natty. Night." I said dreamily.


I'm sorry 😭

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