Pregnant. pt. 2

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there's more to it but it won't let me upload it 😕

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...there's more to it but it won't let me upload it 😕

TW: Mentions of throwing up (Morning sickness)
And uh..drinking..

I tried, lol 😀

A few weeks into the pregnancy things were going great...besides the morning sickness.
Throwing up nearly every morning because of morning sickness during pregnancy, was the absolute worst. Yet, on those mornings your girlfriend is always there to help you out and be by your side holding your hair up and rubbing your back while you let it all out.
Luckily that was only the first few weeks.

A month into the pregnancy had been a bit better besides the continuous cravings of chocolates and sweets especially at the most random of times. Your body had been a bit sore due to your body preparing for you to have a baby.

Now, being a few weeks into the pregnancy, you've noticed some changes of your body.
Standing in the mirror looking at your stomach you've noticed that a bump has started growing.
You smile knowing how your girlfriend is going to react.
Without getting a second to get back dressed.
You heard someone open your bedroom door, "Hey, so I got some-" Natasha looked up to find you in your underwear standing infront of the mirror, she placed the bags of food down on the nearest surface, "Why are you naked- wait,"
You could already see the smile on her face and the tears forming in her eyes, "your bump is showing. You're showing! Our baby is growing." She made her way towards you and planted a kiss on your lips as a greeting and got down on her knees in front of you and your growing baby bump.
"Hey there little guy..or girl, I'm your other mom and I just wanna say, I'm so proud of you for growing and that me and your mommy both love you." With that she planted a kiss on your bump and hugged you around the waist, her forehead resting on the bump.

You stood there watching this whole interaction, getting emotional due to the mood swings and that little speach she had just given the baby, you felt tears started forming in your eyes and making it way down your cheeks.
Sniffling you wiped your eyes and let out a cry-laughter.
Natasha heard you sniffling so she looked up to find you crying, "Why're you crying, baby?" "Nothing..jus' hormones." You smiled.
She bummed and placed one last kiss on the baby bump before making her way up towards you. She gave you a kiss full with love and passion.
"I love you so much," another kiss on your lips, "I'm so excited for us to have this baby.. Is there anything I can do for you?"
"Hmm.. No not really...I'm just starving.." You laughed a little, and she joined in with her raspy laugh. "Well luckily for us, I bought food. Your favorite. I was thinking we could watch the show from last night as we eat." "That sounds perfect, Natty, thank you." You smiled.
"No need to thank me, dorogaya."
"I just need to get dressed quickly.." You thought about what to wear either comfy sweats or a shorts. "I don't have to. I definitely wouldn't mind." She sent a smirk- wink
combo to you.
"Horn dog." "Hey! I'm just being...honest." "Sure, Natasha, what ever helps you sleep at night." "Yeah yeah. Let's just eat.."
She hugged you before you got on the bed and made sure you were comfortable before giving you your food.
The first bite in you let out a little moan.
"That good, huh?" You could hear the smirk in her voice. You gave her a look in return. She laughed while you could only try not choke on the food while laughing.

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