A little crush..right? (Lucy)

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Today is Wednesday, half way through the week, just another two days before freedom.
The one thing I am mostly excited about, was seeing her, and my friends of course.

I arrived at school and talked with my friends a bit before we had to get to class.

As I was walking up stairs to my class, I saw her, Lucy, talking with her friend.

She had her short blonde hair in a pony tail, her headphones were on, covering one side of her ear and she looked effortlessly beautiful.

I was staring at Lucy, and she looked to her side, making eye contact with me.

She had lovely green eyes.

We made eye contact, I could feel my heart starting to race and a weird feeling in my stomach.
I tried to smile but I couldn't, instead I did an awkward smile and looked away, carrying on walking to my class.

I was standing outside of the class, talking to a friend, waiting for our teacher to let the class in.

I saw Lucy and her friend walk different ways.
Lucy started walking towards her class, which is next to mine, she now fully had her headphones on, walking with her bag hanging off of her one shoulder.
I looked at her again and she looked at me, we made eye contact, it felt like it lasted for minutes when it was only a couple of seconds, I again, smiled awkwardly and she smiled a little.

Then she carried on walking to her class, entering it.
I sighed and saw my teacher coming, with the keys in their hands.
They unlocked our class and entered it.
The class followed, we sat in our seats waiting until the bell rang, indicating that our periods have started and we should get to our next class.

Break time

It was break time and I was hanging out with my friend by our usual spot.

I saw Lucy walking.

She had her bag over one shoulder, headphones on and some books in her one hand.
I stared at her for a bit, trying to focus on what my friend was saying, but my eyes kept going from my friend to her, to her face, to her beautiful, green eyes.

Lucy walked past us and went to her spot, opposite us with her groups of friends.
She put her headphones around her neck and started talking to them.

I put my focus back on my friend as I felt weird for staring at her for too long.

After break

Break ended and my friend and I were walking to our classes.
We stopped by my Maths class and she went to her next class.
I saw her again, talking to her friend in the hallway until they split up, her friend went upstairs while she started walking my way.
My heart started racing again due to her getting closer, I felt my whole face heat up, and that weird feeling in my stomach again.

I looked at her, she was already looking at me.
We made eye contact, I tried to smile properly this time, but I couldn't think properly so I did my awkward smile again and she playfully smirked at me, looking at me up and down.
I could feel my cheeks turn red.

She looked away, facing forward and carried on walking past me.
I looked back at her, seeing her headphones on again, walking to class.
I, myself, started to walk into my Math class, thinking about what just happened.

Schools over

School is finally over.
Now I can go home, complete my homework, be on my phone and get my sleep, that I desperately need.

I was talking to my friend before we had to go out separate ways.

When we split up, I put my one of my earphones' in, so I can still listen to what's going on around me but listen to my music at the same time.
At the start of my walk to the school gate I felt a tap on my shoulder.

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