Cake (N.R) (Pt.1)

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Natasha: GP

Natasha had just come home from a mission that she was on for about 1 and a half months.
I haven't seen her since then but we still talked every now and then when she had the time, even when we talked she seemed uninterested or bored so I just ended the conversation early and said my 'goodbyes'.

We were talking on the phone, while she was busy driving home and I was busy preparing dinner for us. She mentioned that the mission was a success and that it was rather quick, in her words, "Fast and easy to do."

Natasha has arrived home

"Hey, baby." Natasha said entering the door, making sure to close it behind her. "Natty, I missed you so much." I said giving her a big hug, wrapping my arms around her neck and standing on my tippy toes whilst she wrapped her and around my waist.
"I've missed you so much too, detka." Natasha said kissing my neck in multiple spots.
"Nat." I tried asking her something but stopped when she kissed a sensitive spot on neck.
She hummed, "Yeah, baby?" "Should we be doing that right now? I mean you just came back from a mission, you should be resting." "It's fine, baby, I didn't get injured on it." "That's not what I meant Natasha, I know how your missions exhausts' you. I think that you should relax."
She nodded and slightly pulled away from our hug, looking into my eyes, "And, I think that I want to spend time with my girlfriend, I haven't seen you in so long, baby, I missed you."
"I missed you too, Nat." "Yeah?" "Yeah," I bit my lip, "I missed you a lot, Nat." "I missed you too, detka, and I am going to show you just how much I missed you." Natasha said picking me up by my thighs making me wrap my legs around her waist and arms around her neck while she wraps her arms around my waist.

Natasha, skillfully, walked us upstairs to our bedroom while we were in a heated kiss filled with passion and love, with the need for one another.

Natasha laid us on the bed, she laid in between my legs, I wrapped them around her waist pulling her closer towards me, soon I felt her start grinding against me.
I felt her erection through her jeans rubbing against me.
"I am going to show you just how much I missed you, baby." Natasha rasped in my ear then started placing kisses on my neck leaving her love bites, her marks, behind for days.

That night Natasha made love to me, telling how much she loves and missed me.

The morning after

I woke up to an empty bed, and to shuffling coming from the opposite side of the room.

Natasha, she's awake... already.

"Morning, baby." She said walking to me, giving my forehead a kiss. "Morning, Nat." "How was your sleep?" "It was good although we hardly slept last night..." I answered back, my face turned red of the memories of last night flashed in my mind, Natasha smirked, "Yeah. Yeah it was a good sleep wasn't it?" She said pulling her top on.
"Hey, Nat?" "Yeah, baby? What's up?" "Are you leaving for work now? Because I was thinking about having our first breakfast together since you've been back." "I can't right now, Y/N." Natasha said shrugging on her leather jacket, "I've told you this a million times I have to be at the compound by 08:00 at the latest-" "Nat, it's 07:15, I'm sure that you could at least have a quick breakfast with me."
Natasha sighed, "I can't I'm going to be late and I'm busy with other important stuff right now, I'll be home much later tonight, don't wait up for me." "Natasha it's your first day back and you are already over working yourself. Can't you come home a little earlier, we can have dinner together instead then."
Natasha released a sigh rubbing her forehead,  "I can't. Okay. Now I have to leave otherwise I'm going to be late, as I said I'm working late today, don't wait up for me." I nodded my head in sadness," Okay, Nat. Enjoy work. I love you bye."
Natasha just nodded her head, "Bye. I'll see you later."

She didn't even say 'I love you' back just a quick 'bye' and 'I'll see you later.'...

I decided to get up and run some errands before I start with my work. Then at about 17:00 I'll start with dinner since Natasha is going to be home late.

Can't wait for what this day has install for me.
I am hoping that no matter how late Natasha arrives at back home we are still able to at least spend some time together.

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