*Winding down (K.F)

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GP Kelly Foster

After a long day of work with the animals, Kelly could finally go home to her girlfriend, Y/N and relax, maybe watching a movie or two while cuddling on their bed.

Kelly was sweating due to the heat and her long day of work with fixing the fencing and animal cages. Her sweat made her white tank top see through and stick to her abdomen and chest making her beautifully, toned abs shown. Her denim jeans are now dirty and covered with mud and dirt.

Kelly got home and opened the door to see that Y/N was in the kitchen with one of Kellys' top on, that is too over sized for her, and in her underwear dancing to some songs while mixing cake batter.
She was going to surprise Kelly with a cake since she has been working so long and hard on the farm, putting all the effort she can into making it the best it can be.

Kelly came up behind Y/N and wrapped her arms around her waist from the back, resting her chin on her shoulder.
Y/Ns' back was against Kellys front, she can feel her tense muscles and something else down there..

"Hey, baby. I'm back." Kelly gasped in her ear "Oh, hey babe. I didn't think you'd be back home until late." Y/N said, Kelly is always working late these days and she doesn't come home late, until at least 22:00.
Today she came home at 17:45. "Yeah, I decided to come home a little early today. I missed you and I wanted to spend some time with you." Kelly said giving her a tight squeeze, placing a light kiss on Y/Ns neck in the moment. "Aww, that's so sweet of you baby! Let me go so I can give you a proper kiss." "But I don't want to let you go, I want to hug and cuddle you and kiss you....to fuck you forever." The last one definitely made Y/N wet.

Kelly spun Y/N around so now they were face to face, we not really Kelly was taller than Y/N, she was 6'2 and Y/N 5'6. Kelly leaned down to her level with her arms on either side of her trapping her in. Y/N eyes travelled down Kellys top that was drenched in sweat, showing her abs off. Kelly smirked seeing that she did and took a quick peek for herself noticing that Y/N was only in her underwear and her top, no bra. She smirked to herself, oh this is going to be fun.

Kelly stood up straight and lifted Y/N up and sat her on the counter with ease, those muscles really pay off. They looked at each other for a second before kissing, a soft, sensual kiss. Kellys hands automatically went to her waist and stood between her lovers legs, Y/N hands was on Kellys shoulders then moved to her hair, lightly pulling it. Y/N trailed her hands down Kellys body to the end of her top, they stopped kissing and Kelly rested her forehead on Y/Ns, as she tugged on Kellys top to take it off. And she did. With one quick motion her top was off, and she was just left in her bra and jeans now "You know, its only fair if your top is off too" Kelly said, her voice was very husky, Kelly took off Y/Ns top and now she was only in her underwear. "Fuck" Kelly husked "You are so fucking beautiful, Y/N" Y/N looked down blushing hard, "Nuh uh, baby look at me" Kelly used her index finger to lift Y/Ns chin up to look at her "Good girl" Y/N blushed even more "Aw, you're such a cute baby. I love it when you blush like this. It makes me want to fuck you even more." Kelly said with a smirk. "Then do it" Y/N whispered in Kellys ear, making her go insane.

"You asked for it baby" Kelly pulled Y/Ns underwear down, and unbuckled her belt and unzipped and unbuttoned her jeans, pulling them down. Kelly was hard, so hard you can see the precum dripping from her tip, her veins were showing, she was thick and large, 10inches. She lined herself up and slowly pushed earning a whimper from Y/N. "Are you okay? We can stop now if you want?" "No, no Kelly I am fine. Keep going." "Okay" Y/N kissed Kelly and soon that kiss turned into a heated make out session, Kelly slowly pushed herself inside Y/N, once she was fully inside she waited for Y/N to get used to her size.

"You can start moving now Kelly." Kelly nodded and started, slowly and sensually thrusting inside if her "Fuck! Kelly! Go faster please!" Kelly went faster and harder, she took hold of Y/Ns waist while fucking her nice and hard. "Fuck, baby, you feel so fucking good around me. So fucking tight." Kelly groans. "I'm gonna cum! Kelly!" "Let go. Cum for me Y/N."

Y/N came and she came hard with a scream "Fuck! Kelly!" Soon right after Kelly came too "Fuck Y/N. Are you okay, baby?" Kelly asked worried because her girlfriend was clearly exhausted from the amazing orgasm that she just had. Y/N nodded her head 'yes', "Okay, I'm going to pick you up now okay baby? I'm going to make a nice warm bath for us." Kelly picked Y/N up from underneath holding her by her butt, whilst Y/N legs are wrapped around her waist and her arms around her neck and took them upstairs, to their room and into the bathroom.

Kelly was done running the bath at just the right temperature, they both got in. Y/N was resting again Kellys front whilst Kelly kissed her neck and shoulders repeatedly showing her how much she loves her.

Kelly got them dressed up, Y/N wore a short sleeping shorts with one of Kellys tank top and Kelly wore her black pair of boxers along with a pair of gray sweatpants with a black bra. Y/N was curled on her side ,waiting under the blankets for Kelly. Once Kelly came she got under the covers and spooned Y/N, her arm was over her abdomen tightly spooning her, to show that she loves her and that she will never let her go, no matter what.

They fell asleep very peacefully that night, together in each others arms, with little kisses here and there coming from one another.

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