The Party (N.R) (Pt.4)

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The four of us just ate pizza and talked about random things.
Natasha brought up going to their families beach house for the holidays, just the four of us.
Yelena didn't seem to mind and so did Kate and I agreed obviously to spend time with my friends and get to know Natasha a little bit more better.

Eventually it was time to go home after playing some game.
Natasha offered to drive me home since it started raining and Kate and Yelena decided to drive separately and meet up at our house.

In the car

Me and Natasha are in her car and the rain is starting to get heavier.
"Hey, do you mind if we quickly just stop at my place? I just need to check in on my cat."
"Sure, we can, Nat." I said getting comfortable in the seat, "What's your cats name?" "Liho. Liho is my cats name. I got her from my dad on my 5th birthday." Natasha said putting her seatbelt on. "That's cute. What type of cat is she?" "A black cat." "Cute." "Yes, she is, but you are much cuter." I blushed at the compliment and went silent as I was caught off guard but it.
"What cat got your tongue, sweetheart?" Natasha said teasing me. "No, I just don't necessarily get compliments like that all the time." "Well then I'll make sure to compliment you everyday for the rest of our lives." Natasha said starting up the car and took the car out of park.

For the rest of our lives?
What does she mean by that?

"I'd love that, Nat." I said looking at her only to find her already staring at me, "What? Why're you staring at me?" I asked with a nervous giggle. "Not staring, admiring, darling, there's a difference." I just smiled and nodded looking out the window and seeing that the rain is getting a bit worse.

As we were driving I felt Natasha put her hand on my thigh, it was very subtle though, she first started off with her hand on my knee and as we drove some more her hand moved to the middle of my thigh and kept it there the entire time.

At Natashas house

We arrived at Natashas' house.
I am standing beside Natasha as she finds the keys to open her house.
"Got it." Natasha said as she found her key and opened the door, "Ladies first." She said. "Thank you." I took a few steps inside the house, noticing how beautiful it is and how calm it felt, it was very quiet too. "My parents are away for a month or so on a business trip, that's why it's so quiet, if you're wondering." Natasha said closing the door behind her, making sure to lock it.

"Come on, she's upstairs." Natasha said holding my hand and walking us upstairs to Liho. "Okay." I followed her, "You have a lovely house, by the way." I said looking around.
"Thank you, detka."
"Liho's in here." Natasha pushed open a bedroom door.
I am assuming it's her room.
The room was modern, there was a neatly made up bed with grey sheets on, there were bookshelves on the wall and a desk to work at, a plus is that the room smelt fresh, like oakwood but also like a rainforest at the same time.

"Hello there little girl." "What?" I looked at Natasha, she laughed a little she picked up Liho and started walking back to me, "I was talking to Liho, sweetheart." "Right, yes, sorry." "No need to apologize, baby." Natasha held Liho in her arms like a baby that was napping, "Here she is, Liho." She made Liho look up at me by lightly holding her up in a sitting position in her arms.
"Liho meet Y/N and Y/N meet Liho, shake paws Liho."

We shook our paws and greeted.

"She's adorable, Nat." I bent down a little to pet her and to seem less intimidating.
"Yeah. Yeah.. she is." When I looked up at Natasha she was staring down at me when she said that, I blushed a little and stood up straight and at the same time lightening struck causing Liho to jump out of Natashas arms, running off somewhere.

"Well now...she's gone." Natasha laughed.
Only now do I notice how close we are.
"Yeah." I don't like lightening and thunder.
I don't know why, I never did.
Another roaring sound came from the sky causing me to leap into Natashas' arms.

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