Regardless...the mission went well (N.R)

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Natasha had just got back home from a long mission and all she wanted to do was cuddle her girlfriend in bed all night long.

The mission was easy, retrieve HYDRA information from the database. Easy. Quick. It was supposed to be in and out, that's what she thought too.

Once the data was downloaded, she had headed back to the Jet as she was walking, a guard came at her with a knife and she dodged but that guard managed to cut into her left side.

She killed him within a split second with her gun, a bullet hole between his eyes, right in the middle of his forehead.

After the ride on the jet

There were knocks on the door

Knock Knock

Y/N opened the door to find her leaning against the door, some strands of hair is in her face, with half a smile on her face and her right hand covering her left side.

"Hi", Natasha said getting off the door frame and walking towards Y/N. "Hi", Y/N said, they went for a hug as Y/N wrapped her arms around Natashas neck, standing on her tippy toes, she went wrap around her arms around Y/N, as she was bending down, she winced. Y/N heard it and pulled away from Natasha.

"What's wrong? Did you get injured on your mission? How bad is it? Do you need me to help you in any sort of way? Should I get the first aid?" Y/N rambled on, on how she could help. "Baby, baby listen, I'm fine okay, just a little cut nothing a little rest...and cuddles could help" Natasha, responded with a smirk.

"Now, where's my kiss?" She asked, in a teasing tone. As she leaned in Y/N leaned back and softly pushed her chest backwards, "Show me your wound, Natasha."

"Baby I'm fine-" she got cut off by Y/N "Natasha, please just show me." "Fine, but lets go to the bathroom please? You know, don't want to get blood on the floor" she laughed a little, while
Y/N had a concerned look on her face "Okay, I'm just joking, but let's go." Grabbing her hand and walking off to the bathroom, they go.

In the bathroom

Natasha got seated on the ,closed, toilet. Looking at Y/N getting the cleaning supplies ready along with some bandages and a needle for stitching her up.

As Natasha pulls up her top, over her head Y/N can clearly see her beautifully toned abs, that  was now bloody on her left side.
As Y/N went to stand infront of Natasha.
Natasha smirked looking ul and said, "You know I have the perfect view of your boobs right now." Y/N scoffed a little, while taking a step back and said, "Keep talking like that and you'll not be touching them for a week." "What, that's just absord. That's unfair ." Natasha complained.
"Too bad, Tasha."

After cleaning the wound

Natasha put on a black pair of boxers matching with her black sports bra. Y/N put on a pair of pajamas shorts and one of Natashas tank top.

As Y/N climbed into bed Natasha followed after, making sure that she laid flat on her back and Y/N laid on her chest, hearing her soothing heartbreat. She cuddled into Natasha making sure not to further injured or touch her wound.

"Goodnight, baby, detka. I love you." Natasha said in her raspy voice. "Goodnight, Tasha. I love you." Y/N replied in a sleepy tone.

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