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A- After Care

Scarlett will cuddle with you for a bit before leaving to get up and make a nice, warm relaxing bubble bath for your bodies to relax in. She will massage your tense muscles and wash your hair.
She will have your favorite snacks and movies out to watch and will also be holding you the whole night whispering in your ear that you were such a good girl for her or that you did great.

You guys end up falling also in each others arms, feeling safe and content in them.

B- Boobs

You both love each others boobs but, she will tend to love yours more.
She loves napping on them and using them as stress balls sometimes.

During sex she likes to leave hickie's on them, loving the marks that she leaves on you.
She loves holding them when she sleeps and loves the skin to skin contact when you guys are both nude.

C- Calling each other

You guys call each other whenever she has time during filming and call each other every night when she is away for filming.
She tries to bring you with but it's sometimes hard as you have a job too and can't necessarily take leave every month, luckily, it is an online job too, so it is easier to travel with her than stay at home.

You guys would call random times of the day claiming that you miss each other and plan to have lunch or a meal together that day
or if whether you guys will just have dinner and dessert at home.


Scarlett has noticed that whenever she wears a suit or a tight pants your eyes always seem to travel lower to her dick, as you could see it even though she wasn't hard.
She could see you shift in your seat at times that you'd look there, so she brings you to the nearest private room she could find, wherever you guys were, and she'd fuck you against the wall or take you against the table, anywhere really.

She will make sure that you don't walk properly for the rest of the week after that.

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