The Escaped (Pt.1?) (Lucy)

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After a long day of work, you finally got home and decided to shower and get into my PJ's.

After showering and getting into my PJ's you went to the kitchen to make something for dinner and you were thinking either home made pizza or burgers since it was a Friday you decided to go with pizza and your favorite T.V show.

As you were setting up you had heard a knock on your door...hmm..that's weird its 22:45, who would be knocking at someone's door at this hour, especially at night!

You grabbed your mini taser, just in case, and head to the door. As you opened the door you saw a woman on the other side as you open it wider, you got a better look at her...

She was wearing a pair of green jeans, light type of blue greenish coat, that looks light and a white top...wait a minute...
The top has blood on the

She has lovely dirty blonde hair that went up to her neck, and her eyes..they are very pretty like an emerald green color.

You both just stared and each other..well you mostly admired and yet you just met her.

"Hi" she says, oh my gosh..her voice is perfect and raspy. "Hi?" You say. "Are you okay? Are you lost? Should I call someone for you?," you asked in sincere and worried way. She just let's out a chuckle, "No, no I was just wondering if you had any medical supplies, I hurt my shoulder on a walk and you were the closest house that I could find."
Ohk, that's not weird at all..

"Sure, yeah, yes I do would you like to come in? I can help you with your wounds maybe?" "Sure, why not." She says in her beautiful voice..gosh that voice.

"Sorry before I forget what's your name?" You questioned.
"Lucy, that's my name. You?" "Y/N, that's my name." You said copying her, letting out a little giggle. "Do you know how to stitch up wounds?" Lucy suddenly asks. "Yes, yes I do. I did girl scouts when I was younger...not that you needed to know that because we just met and we're both strangers to each other..I'm just gonna stop talking." You said rambling. "No, no, no don't stop please do continue. You're very cute when you ramble on like that." Lucy says chuckling.

"C'mon, let's get that wound clean." You said with a smile.
Walking to the bathroom with her right behind you. "Say, Y/N do you live alone?" "Yeah, I do. Why?" "Just checking, no boyfriends that you're living with?"

A little laugh escape when she says boyfriend. "No, no roommates and a.definite no to the boyfriend. I um.. don't swing that way. I like women. You? Any boyfriends?" "No, gosh no. No, boyfriends but past girlfriends. Well hookups almost, like one serious girlfriend?" "Oh that's nice, sit on top of the toilet please, and take your shirt off."
"Already trying to get my shirt off. We only just met but, hey, I'm not mad." She says whilst taking her top off.

Holy fuck.

She has abs, for days. Very toned and muscular and her arms, they are very toned and muscular too but not as much as her abs, which by the way are very distracting as they contract with every moves she makes.

"Are you done staring." she asks with a smirk on her face. Gosh even her smirk is attractive, what the hell! "Wha-no-no I was not staring" I stuttered why the hell did I stutter!
Her smirk just get bigger, chuckling she says, "Sure you weren't, love."
Oh my gosh if she doesn't stop I am going to- "So are we stitching up my shoulder or not? I can do it if ya'want." "No, No it's fine let me clean up the wound first then we'll get to stitching."

"Okay then" Lucy looks at me with those eyes, "Okay, then." I say smiling back at her.

Some time later

"Okay, and we are all done. You took that like a champ." You said with a little laugh and she smiles back, she has such a cute smile. "Thanks, doc. Anything I can do for you? I'll repay you back." she says sincerely. "Gosh no you don't have to, but, you can stay the night at least or until your healed" "Okay, I will but first could I possibly get your number?" "Sure, it's 081 420 6969." "Got it, thank you." "No, problem."

"Here's your room, Lucy." "Thanks." "Call me if you need anything, I'll be right next door." "Goodnight, Y/N." Lucy, says in her raspy voice. "Goodnight, Lucy." You replied, biting your bottom lip trying to hide the smile that formed on your face when she said your name, but you're assuming that your blush gave it away. She did her infamous smirk and nodded her head and closed the door.

You had left off to your own room.
You either need to catch up on some sleep or your shows but you guess none since she will be running on your mind tonight.

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