Traitor. (N.R)

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(Mix between Scream and Black Widow characters characters, Spoilers (Halloween) a way. I tried...😅)

(TW: Stabbing, mentions of killing and blood...Crazy Nat in a way, swearing...)


There was a party at Ambers house, as she said it was in memory of Wes, may he rest in peace.
Wes was one of you guys. He was your friend.
A childhood friend at that.

You have arrived at Ambers house, there was music blaring through the speakers, drunk teenagers dancing and having fun with one another.
There were groups of them some dancing, grinding against one another some were drinking in the kitchen and some chilling on the couch and watching TV.

That didn't last for long though.
Amber a called off the party and told them to get out, saying something about the party's over.

Now the house seemed quiet and...still.

You grabbed Natasha's hand and gently pulled her towards the living room where the rest of the group followed. You got ourselves comfortable while waiting for Tara and Amber to arrive back from retrieving her inhaler.

You guys were peacefully sitting on the couch when Tara and Amber came back from upstairs, they made their way to us, "We found Tara's inhaler-" before Amber could finish speacking, Chads girlfriend, Liv, came running in side covered in blood, making you all stand up and keep your distance between you all. You stood up with Natasha holding her hand.

"Guys we have to go-" Liv was gasping, trying to catch her breath. "Woah, stay the fuck back!" Amber yelled towards Liv, noticing her blood stained clothes and hands.
"Why are you covered in blood." Natasha asked who was now standing closer towards you, ready to protect you.
"What- No-no. I found Chad laying, bleeding and I-I slipped and..." "And you're fucking lying!," Amber said.
"You're the killer!" Yelena completed Amber's sentence.
"No, no I'm not! We have to call the police!" Liv tried convincing them.
"Stop lying. We know you are." Amber scoffed. "Fuck you Amber! I'm not the fucking killer!" Liv seethed.
"Oh. I know." Amber smirked pulling out a gun from behind her and shooting Liv straight in her forehead, "Welcome to act three." Amber smirked.

Liv's body dropped dead to the ground.

You felt nauseous at the scene in front of you.
You felt like your feet were glued to the ground and that you couldn't move. No matter how hard you tried... you just couldn't. It barely clicked in your mind when Amber pointed the gun to you next until Natasha pulled you away and took you guys to the main door..only to find it locked.


"Upstairs." You could barely contemplate what Natasha said as she was already leading you upstairs, she tried multiple doors before finding a safe room for us to hide in.
She got you guys in but before she closed the door, "Yelena. I have to go back."
"Nat-" you look into her eyes before sighing in defeat. "I'm not gonna leave me my sister behind. I'll be right back, I promise." "Okay. Stay safe." "Always." She gave me a little smirk.
You kissed her lips before she closed the door and left me alone in this dark room.

You could hear all types of noises and crashes doing on downstairs...then it all stopped.
All suddenly.

You felt a vibration in my pocket, "Shit! No, no, no." you rushed to switch your phone off before it could make any further noise.
Until you noticed it was Natasha who was the one that was calling.
You picked it up.
"Nat? You there?" Nothing. Nothing but static and then you heard a breath. "Who is this? Where is Natasha?" Nothing but this person's breathing could be heard until there was a laugh.
That sounded...crazy.
"Hello, Y/N." this person, this killer has voice changer on. It's impossible to guess who it would be.
You made sure the rooms door is locked and then stepped away from the door, keeping my distance.
"Where's Natasha? What do you want?" You could feel your eyes start to tear up due to your panic and fear.
The killer laughed, "What I want is to play a game. Would you like to play a game, Y/N. And be careful, Natasha's life depends on this."

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