The Party (N.R) (Pt2)

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Take place after Yelena told Kate and Y/N that they could go home.

Natasha: GP, popular and also a bit of a player, 19 years old, also a bit of an ass

Yelenas' surname in this is Romanoff too.

"I don't want you near, Y/N." Yelena said, closing Natashas door after Kate and Y/N left the room. "What? Yelena you can't keep me from seeing her, you know that right?" Natasha said taking off her jacket, angry that her sister wants to keep her away from Y/N.
"No, you're right, I can't keep you from seeing her but I'll make sure to keep her from seeing you. I don't want her to be near someone like-" "Someone like, who? Yelena? Someone like me." Natasha said interrupting Yelena, taking a step closer to her.
"Yes, exactly. Someone like you, Natasha." "The fuck's that supposed to mean!" Natasha exclaimed, "Don't bullshit me Natalia. You know what you're like. You play with girls feelings, you get them to like you, you fuck them and then leave. You basically use girls as your fuck toys. So yes, I don't want Y/N to be anywhere near you. I don't want her to get hurt by you."

Natasha took a step forward towards her sister, threatening her silently. "You don't know what the hell you're talking about, they come to me, I don't go to them. They asked to be fucked and I do it, I say no strings attached and they agree. So yes, I fuck a lot of girls but at least I have some decency to let them know I don't feel shit towards them and that the sex was all for fun." Natasha said, was it true?..yes all of it.. no, she also goes to them, only for a good fuck or just for fun in general.

It doesn't also necessarily mean that it's still right...right?

"It doesn't justify your actions, Natasha, you knew that half of them were in love with you and you used that against them. To please yourself. I know that's what you're doing with
"What! No, I would never do that to her." Natasha said, she was pissed, she would never do that to Y/N, not her Y/N.
"Bullshit-" "No, no Yelena it's not bullshit, I would never do that to her, I- I-" Natasha couldn't find the right words to explain how she felt, she couldn't find the right words explain how she felt about her, Y/N.
"You what, Natalia? You want to fuck her. Hurt her-" "No, Yelena. I don't. Okay, I don't. I don't want to hurt her, I never did and I never will. I want to protect her with every fiber in my body, okay! I want- I want to hold her, too be able to kiss her anytime I want. I want her. I want Y/N." Natasha let all if her pent up feelings for Y/N out, she basically just told Yelena how she felt towards Y/N.


She was screwed, she was scared that her sister wouldn't trust her..even worse is not believing her when she said that.

"Fuck." Natasha let out a huge sigh, she went to sit on the edge of her bed, her elbows on her knees, with her head in her hands.
Yelena stood there analyzing her, checking her for any lies, to check if that was the truth.

Natasha lifted her head to look to her sister, "Look, Yelena, believe me or not, okay. But I truly like her, I have for a very long time now. And it hurts, I don't know why it hurts but it does, maybe it's because my heart yearns for her, maybe it's because I know that she will never want me, especially when I'm known as a fucking player." Yelena saw the truth, she felt it, when Natasha said those words, now that she takes a good look at Natasha she can tell that she looked hurt too.

"I didn't know-" "Of course you didn't fucking know Yelena, I haven't told anyone until now." Natasha said, she let out a sigh, "Look I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped like that." Yelena nodded, "It's fine. I understand...since when did you- did you start liking her?"
Natasha thought about it for a few seconds. "I don't know maybe 9th or 10th grade I had a crush on her and then I guess for the past couple years, my feelings just..grew..for her, up until now, I mean you could say that my feelings are getting stronger for her now." Natasha let out a sad chuckle at the end of her sentence.
Yelena walked towards Natasha carefully and patted her on the back, trying to be comforting.

"That's why you kissed her?" Yelena asked, just making sure that the kiss wasn't part of any game of hers. "Yeah..I just couldn't help myself, so I asked her if I could kiss her." "Oh." Yelena said, at Los for words.
"Yup..well I'm gonna go freshen up now, mind leaving my room?" "Yeah, yeah. I'll see you, when I see you." Yelena nodded leaving Natashas room, closing the door behind her.

"Fuck." Natasha muttered, "Fuck.Fuck.Fuck." Natasha can't believe what just happened with her kiss with Y/N, her just admitting that she has feelings for Y/N to her sister Yelena, out of anger and how she feels right's just that Natasha doesn't know what to feel.
Anger? Sadness? Happiness? Relieved?

No emotion could describe what she is feeling but one thing for sure is that she definitely can't wait to see Y/N again, to kiss Y/N, maybe again.

Natasha sat down on the edge of her bed and laid back, covering her eyes with her arms and breathing a heavy sigh out of anger.

In the morning she hopes that this would all be better...but will it?

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