The Player (N.R) pt. 1

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Natasha is a player and also GP
TW: Talks of Alcohol??
At a party...

I was busy getting ready for our last day off school as it was Friday.


I can't wait to spend my weekend watching my movies all cuddled up in my nice warm bed with all my favorite snacks.

My best friend, Jess, came to come pick me up and drove us to school.
Once we got to school we had started walking to our lockers and got out our books that we needed for today.
The bell rang as well finished up packing our bags, a bunch of kinds came storming in the entrance and bumped us on the way. The bell for classes starting is going to ring in 10 minutes so that gives us time to get to our classes.

The hall way started to clear and as I sling my bag on my shoulder, I made eye contact with the one and only, Natasha Romanoff.
The schools most popular player, you know, she gets in all the girls pants and then leaves them like it was nothing saying, "It was just a hookup, nothing more and nothing less." Those poor girls, they didn't deserve what she does to them.

When we made eye contact she smirked, she fucking smirked at me.
She was wearing black jeans, black top and her black leather jacket. Her hair was down and there were two mini braids in it, love the hairstyle and the outfit just...
not the person nor the personality.

Natasha was busy talking with two people Wanda and Clint, they're most likely talking about partying, drinking and breaking poor girls hearts.

She looked at me once again and I looked away continuing to talk to Jess about how there is a party tonight and that she is only going because her crush is going to be there and she wants me to come to 'let loose', as I have been 'too busy studying' for midterms. Jess suddenly stopped talking and I looked to see what happened.

Natasha was standing right next to us, as soon as I looked at her she smirked and said, "Hey, Y/N." in a flirty way, "Jess". She said her name in a monotone voice.
"Are you coming to the party tonight? It's at my place as you might know.. I would like you two to come." Natasha's eyes were mostly on me while she was talking completely ignoring Jess's presence. "I'm here too, ya'know. We'll be there. I know I will." Jess said answering for us.

"Good, I can't wait to see you there, Y/N. I hope that we could spend more time together." Natasha said using her raspy voice, trying to flirt me up, most likely just to get in my pants tonight and then act like it never happened the next morning.

"Yeah, sure" I scoffed rolling my eyes. "What? You don't believe me? I'm hurt." She said touching her chest as she said 'hurt'.
"Sure, I'm coming to the party, just not going with you or for you." "We'll see about that Y/N, you'll change your mind about me. You're, I like that about you, you know" Natasha says chuckling a bit. "I have to get to class. Come on Jess, let's go."
Jess and I just started walking away leaving Natasha there left behind.

School is over finally

School ended a couple of hours ago, now it is currently 18:10, Jess and I, sorry, Jess is just picking out an outfit to wear for the party, mind you it only starts at 21:00 we still have plenty of time to get ready.

She ended up picking a red dress that shows shoulders and does a criss-cross over the neck, she had short dark blonde hair that was a bit curly and reached her shoulders.
I ended up picking a black dress that reaches mid thigh and is off the shoulders, my hair was down and lightly curled.
It's currently 20:30 we had 30 minutes to get to the party.

21:00 at the party

Jess drove us to Natashas' house when we got there, there's loud music booming throughout the house and the different changes of faint disco lights coming from the inside, showing through the windows.

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