Homocide Detective (N.R) (P.t1?)

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Natasha: homicide detective, GP

Y/N: Natashas' wife, does their dream job

(Scream spoilers...in a way?)

I was busy sitting in the livingroom watching my favorite movie while waiting for Natasha to get home.

Lately she has been coming home late due to this homicide case. She's been working her ass off trying to find this killer.

I heard the door unlock, get opened and a few seconds later, closed.
I went to go to the door and saw Natasha there leaning against the door with her eyes closed, sighing out of tiredness. She opened them again, making eye contact with me as she did so, "Hey, baby, sorry that I'm home late..again, I promise after I catch the killer, I'm all yours-" I slowly walked to Natasha, "Nat, it's okay, I promise. All I'm worried about is you, I mean you're basically up all night and not getting enough sleep. I'm fine with you doing your job. You love your job with you doing this just shows how much you do."
Natasha nodded "Do you need me to do anything for you, Nat?" She shook her head, "No, I'm fine but maybe a hug and lots of cuddles could help." "Of course, Natty, you don't even have to ask." I opened my arms up for her and she immediately went to hug me, and tightly but not so much that she would hurt me.
She was careful with giving hugs with me.
"I promise that I'm going to catch this killer." Natasha gently pulled away from the hug and kissed me on my lips, she took my hand in her and walked us to our bedroom.

Once we were in our room, she closed the door and started undressing from her uniform, she said that she was going to go shower and she would be back soon.
I put on a comedy show, thinking that it would brighten her day, evening, a bit better.

After about 15 minutes I heard the water turn off and Natasha stepped out of the bathroom with a little bit of steam coming out of it, she had a towel wrapped around her waist and another one around her shoulders covering her boobs, so I had a good view of her muscles and the lovely set of abs that she has.
She was busy drying her hair with one hand and held the towel on her waist with her other hand walking to the cupboard and taking out her pjs. "Did you have a good shower, Nat?" "Very relaxing, thank you, baby, but.." "But what?" "It would have been better with you." I blushed, "Nat, these past few weeks have been stressful for you, I thought that by you having a nice, hot shower alone would try get you to relax, even a little bit, as long as your not too stressed." Natasha now had her pajama pants on and was looking for her top to go with it, "With you, I am relaxed." Natasha pulled on her shirt and started walking towards the bed. "I know, but-" "But?" She stared into my eyes "I thought that you needed some space, especially some time to think." "I need space from annoying asswholes at work, not you." Natasha got underneath the covers and immediately hugged me.

I paused the show, "How was your day today?" "Same as everyday, tiring, but what can I say? I love my job and my boss, she is a determined hard worker and very understanding too." Natasha moved in between my legs moved a bit lower down the bed to rest her head against my boobs.
I just listened and messaged her head while she talked.
"The reason I say that she is understanding is that she is also in a relationship. We were talking one day and I apparently found out that she's in a relationship too and gets home late as well, she brought up me taking leave for a weekend, as I am her best detective, I deserved a break."
"I have to agree with her on that one, you're the best detective, and a hard worker. I'm so proud of you, Natasha, for what you have become and how far you have gotten in life." Natasha hugged me tighter and leaned up to give me a kiss on the lips and laying her head back down to its original place.
"Nat?" She hummed "I know that you most probably don't want to talk about work but what type of killer are you looking for?" She sighed before she answered, "Apparently the killer wears some type of mask, like a ghost face mask and stabs people, repeatedly, before it even happens there is a phone call called from unknown numbers. The killer is known for taunting their victims first before they strike."
I rested my hands on Natashas biceps and slowly massaged them, rubbing her sore muscles. "So you guys are dealing with a serial killer?" "Exactly, baby. An annoying fucking serial killer to be exact." I hummed in agreement listening to her, "There is one thing that doesn't sit with me though.." "What is it, Nat?" "The calls, and how fast the killer gets in the house." "Well, what about it?" "The calls, it lasts a few minutes and after a person hangs up, after a few seconds they immediately get attacked, the calls have to be called by someone else while another person is sneaking into the victims house. Otherwise it doesn't make sense, how do you call someone and break into their house at the same time. One person needs to distract the victim whilst the partner in crime sneaks into their house." Natasha shook her head, "I don't know, these are all theories, I could be wrong but my gut is telling me otherwise." "Nat." She hummed "Natasha." "Yeah?" I reached for her hands and held them, "Your theories makes sense, I agree with you. Trust your gut, when has it ever doubted you? Plus it might be two killers, Nat, you never know, but what I do know is that you will solve this, you can solve this, okay?" "Okay." Natasha mummbled, "I'll talk with my boss about my theories tomorrow, but for now all I want to do is forget about work and cuddle and be with you all night long." She snuggles more into my chest.
"Goodnight, Natasha. Sweet dreams and I love you." "I love you, too, detka. Goodnight and sweet dreams." Natasha relaxed her body more and started drifting off to sleep and when she did I closed my eyes and lightly drew shapes and patterns on the part of her back that I can reach, I soon fell asleep feeling warm and safe with Natasha by my side.

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