The Party (N.R) (Pt.3)

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It's Saturday morning and Kate wanted to go out and have brunch, play games at the mall, maybe get some ice-cream to.
I didn't argue with her, instead I told her I will be ready in 30 minutes.

30 minutes later

"Hey, Kate. I'm ready. I'm will be waiting for you in the living room." I said knocking on her door, I could hear her talking to someone on the phone, I just couldn't figure out who. "Yeah, yeah. I'll be right out Y/N, just give me second." Kate said, I heard her saying, 'goodbye' to someone and then some shuffling of her putting her shoes on.
"Hey." Kate said opening her door, "Come on, let's go. We don't want to be late." "Kate, the mall is always open.. well except at night and early morning hours." Kate shrugged her jacket on and grabbed her keys, "Yeah, I was talking about brunch, I invited Yelena if you don't mind." "So she was the person you were on the call with. I'm assuming?" I said wiggling my eyebrows at her, "Yelena, is always welcome. I like her, she's pretty cool."
Kate ignored my teasing, "Yeah, she is. She said that she is going to meet us there. In about 10-15 minutes." "So let's get going. We don't want to be late for your date, now do we?" I said smirking, "It's not a date Y/N, we are just friends hanging out." "Whatever you say, Kate." I said.

Driving to the mall

There was some music playing in the car on our way to the mall, whilst me and Kate just talked about random things until I bought up the Yelena topic.

"So..." I started off, "Soo.." Kate followed, "About you and long have you two been.. friends?" I asked. "I don't know, maybe about 1a year and a half year. More or less. We're really close friends." I nodded, "That's nice, I'm happy that you two are close." Kate nodded, "Yeah, yeah. Me too." We just sat in silence for the rest of the ride, sometimes humming to certain parts of the songs.

At the mall

Me and Kate met up with Yelena at the entrance to the mall.
We decided on getting something to eat first before playing games.
We were walking towards a restaurant and saw someone familiar...


She was there, leaning against a wall with her phone in hand and also talking to Wanda at the same time.

I saw her and we made eye contact.
She winked at me and looked me up and down.
I looked away and carried on walking, continuing with our conversation.

We decided on going to a pizza place, that way we all order a pizza and share our pizzas with one another.

We got to the restaurant and sat down at a booth.
Kate and Yelena sat next each other while I sat by myself opposite them in the middle section of the booth.

Which was fine, I can really see how they're close friends.

After we ordered our three pizzas we waited on them to arrive.
Whilst we did that we were talking about making plans on the three of us hanging out again, maybe going to a beach or having a movie day together maybe even a get away for a few weeks.

"So, Y/N, how was the party for you?" Yelena suddenly asked.
Wow, that question took me by surprise but before I could answer somebody else spoke

"Yeah, Y/N how was the party for you?"

What is she doing here?

We all looked up at her me and Kate were surprised to see her here but Yelena just looked neutral.

Natasha stood there smirking looking down at me, "Well, Y/N? How was the party? You know it's rude not to answer a persons' questions." "What're you doing here, Romanoff?" Kate seethed.
"What can't I visit my fellow friends? Mind If I sit?" A rhetorical question, "no." She didn't wait for a response and sat down, "Thanks."
Natasha sat down next me.
Her arm around my shoulder, "You don't mind if I sit here, do you, sweetheart?" Natasha whispered in my ear, my cheeks went red, blushing at how close we are and by the name she just called me.

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