The Party (N.R) (Pt.1)

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Natasha: GP, popular and also a bit of a player, 19 years old, also a bit of an ass.

Yelenas' surname in this is Romanoff too.


It was Friday, our last day of term, meaning that we have a long break before our next trimester starts.
As it was the last day of 'hell' as my best friend, Kate, puts it.
She wants to go out to a party that her friend, Yelena along with her sister, Natasha is hosting a party at their house.

It's basically a tradition at this point The Romanoffs' almost always have parties for the passing the other years of high school, for the end of term or exams or even just for fun, no reason at all their excuse, sorry Natashas' excuse would be, "Just let loose, it's our last year of high school." Or "C'mon you're not scared of a little party are you? It's fun come join us, come join me. Let loose a little." Sometimes, most times, I chose to study for any tests or exams the other times I would go with Kate, feeling bad about not spending time with her by going to the party with her, as she says," You left me hanging last night. I missed you, Y/N." So I just feel a bit guilty and go with her to the next party.

Getting ready for party

So here I am, getting ready for the party.

Kate was laying on my bed texting somebody on her phone while I decided what to wear. "Hey, Kate?" "Yeah, what's up, Y/N." "What should I wear? This top with a pair of denim jeans or the black dress?" "The black dress, then we can be matching, with my black suit and your black dress." Kate said getting off her phone, giving me her undivided attention.

"Okay, thanks." I said putting the dress on my bed and getting ready to go shower. "Kate, I'm going to go shower now, you can either face the other way when I get dressed or you may leave." "Thanks, Y/N. Enjoy your shower...without me." Kate said winking at me, we flirt sometimes, sure, does it mean anything? No, our relationship is fully platonic, as Kate over here already has her eyes set on someone... and maybe I do to, it's mixed feelings with this person.

Whenever we talk she flirts with me, leading me on and always complimenting me one way or another, then the next day I hear that she fucked another girl that night, or that she doesn't do relationships. her name, known as the popular person in school, a player, 19 years old and an ass whole, all the girls want her saying, "She's just broken, I can fix her." Then they end up getting broken in the process..and not in a good way. She's a heartbreaker.

I know, it's bad but you can't help who you like or love for that matter, your heart loves who they love, whilst your brain tries to talk some sense into you.

After the over thinking in the shower

I got out of the shower feeling refreshed then suddenly annoyed that I have to go to this party. When I got to my room to change Kate was still there on my bed, again, texting somebody, who is she texting all the time?
"Oh, hey Y/N, sorry I didn't see you there." Kate said starting to get up, "No, no it's fine, you don't have to leave, just look the other way when I change." "Okay." "Okay." I nodded my head.
I started putting deodorant on, my underwear and then my dress after I put lotion on.
The dress was simple, it has thin straps and only an inch or two higher than my middle thigh, the dress was a little tight around my waist too, complimenting my figure. I picked a pair of black 1 inch heels to match with the dress.
Kate whistled," Looking good, Y/N." I blushed a little, I'm not really used to getting compliments often, aside from Kate. "Thanks, Kate. Ready to go?" "Yes, let's go." Kate said getting up and checking her pocket for her car keys.

Driving to the party

We were on our way to the party driving in peaceful silence until Kate broke it, "I'm sorry that I was on my phone the whole time, Y/N. I was just talking to Yelena about the party." "Kate, that's not a problem. No need to apologize." I said, I truly don't know why she apologized for that. "Okay, okay" Kate nodded her head, "There are some rules for the party okay, Y/N? Don't take a drink when someone offers you it, certainly don't leave your drink by itself and if you ever feel uncomfortable or the need to leave, you just let me know, okay? Then we'll go home straight away and watch movies."
I nodded my head, acknowledging Kate's rules, "Thank you, Kate. I'll be sure to let you know when I need you. You also don't have to worry about my drinks because I will not be drinking at all." "Okay, good. Remember you're very important to me." "I know Kate, I know. You're important to me too, you know."

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