You Can't Remember To...

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TW: Talks of drinking alcohol...
Uhh don't drink and drive.


Forget Her.

Is what you can't seem to do.
You can't seem to get her off your mind.
You can't seem to stop thinking about her. Everything you do brings back memories of your past relationship, of her.
Every moment spent together now a memory in the past.
You can't remember to forget her.

All about her.
Oh, how badly you missed her.
How you missed her smile and her laugh...her presence and how she'd brighten up your day.
How well she'd hold you through the night and tell you 'It's okay.'

Natasha Romanoff, your now ex-girlfriend.

She had broken up with you from out of nowhere leaving you with no answers.
She said something about leaving for a mission about how it'd be no contact one too and that there was no time on telling of when she'd arrive back.
When she'd arrive back to you.
In your arms.

It's been 5 and a half months since the breakup. You've doing fairly well, getting better by the week.
To say you missed her was an understatement but you had to have a little day off from grieving the end of the beautiful relationship for just one night.
Hence why, Wanda, a good friend of yours, had taken you out for a girls night out.

Now, here you were dancing on the dance floor, your drink had been finished and emptied leaving you to go back for more and more.
You're now a bit tipsy, letting loose and dancing the night away.
Along with the pain flowing away and leaving your thoughts and body for the evening.

What you didn't know.. was that you were being followed.

By Natasha Romanoff, your ex- girlfriend...

You didn't realize that she tracked your location down for one of three reasons.
One of is to make sure you're safe... and that nobody has had the confidence to make a move on you yet.
Two, to apologize with a plan leading to reason number three.. she's want to- she's going to get you back.
To get her Y/N back... back in her arms.

Oh, how badly she had missed you.

You were still dancing on the dance floor before you got hit with a feeling of exhaustion, having checked the time on your phone '00:45', it read, no wonder you're so tired all of a sudden.
"Wanda!" You yelled over the blasting music, "it's late. I'm tired! I'm gonna head home.."
"Noo, so early. Do ya' need a ride?" "No, I'm good thanks. I'm sobered up a bit." "Okay! Text me when you get back home!" And with that she's off dancing with a random new guy, Vision.

'Now that's a dangerous move there, baby' Natasha thought.

Natasha, noticing this, decided to get a head start on leaving the bar first. She was seated in her car just waiting for you to exit the bar.

You exited the bar with a smile on your face, regardless of being tired. You entered your car and the first thing you did was turn the heat up, from the chilly night, and play some of your music for the night.
What you didn't notice was a car following you on your way home...
Natasha had parked a few blocks down from your house, giving you time to get comfortable before she came to you with her apologies and pleads to take her back.

Once you've gotten home you sent a quick text to Wanda before going to shower and getting dressed into more warm, comfortable clothing.
You put the kettle on, wanting something warm and comforting in the cold of the morning.
You sat on the couch picking your favorite show, getting ready to have a little detox from this morning... last night.

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