Homocide Detective (N.R) (P.t2)

442 16 7

Natasha: homicide detective, GP

Y/N: Natashas' wife, does their dream job

(Scream spoilers and Halloween... in a way?)
(There is a bit of violence, such as stabbing, slashing and gunshots.)


"You're trapped now." Came the voice.


The killer started banging on the door, throwing themself towards it, slowly breaking it down.

Natasha put her finger on the trigger, taking one hand off the gun retrieving something from her pocket.
She pulled her hand out and held it in front of me.

Her car keys.

"Nat-" I said shaking my head, before I could even finish she cut me off, "Just take them, Y/N, okay? I'll deal with them, you get to the car. I'll be right behind you, I promise." I looked at her, "You promise, Nat?" "I promise, baby, I'll be right behind you."

The banging on the door stopped, it went quiet... too quiet.
Natashas' grip on the gun tightened, her jaw clenched and her eyes were trained too the door, waiting.

He threw himself at the door again, making it slam open.
He stood there with a knife in his hands.
Natasha tackled him to the ground and threw a few punches in their gut before standing up and kicking them in the face. She grabbed her gun from off the floor and took my hand leading us away from the killer...that was left laying on the floor.

I looked behind me to make sure that we are not being followed and when I did they were gone...they were not on the floor by the laundry room. "Nat-" I tried to go get her attention, "Nat- stop." "We can't stop, we have to get out of here." She still didn't listen, "Natasha! He is not there anymore." "What?" She stopped walking "Look behind us." We both looked behind us at the same time "He's gone." "Shit. Get to the car, start it up, I'll be right behind you." She said getting her gun out and ready. "Nat-" "Do it. I'm right behind you." She gave my forehead a kiss.

I nodded my head and began to run to the car.
Half way through, I fell, I used my arms to shield my face, landing on my left arm.
Something, someone, tripped me. I turned around on laying my back to see someone standing there, playing my a knife in their hands.
I tried to back away from him, using my right arm, but with my left arm in severe pain, it was no use. I couldn't move my left arm nor my hand.
He walked to me and stopped in front of me, crouching down to my level, "You know, Y/N, all I wanted to do was to play a little game with you...but instead you pull this shit. Now I'm afraid I'll have to kill you."
I kicked him in his stomach and got up, running, trying to find Natasha, the killer is running after me now.

"Nat! Nata-" I got tackled to the ground "You thought you could get away from me! You little bitch!" The Killer took my arms and pinned them above my head with one arm and held a knife in their other hand.
My heart started racing even faster then it was before and tears started forming in my eyes, I felt dizzy again..my whole body felt like it was shaking.
I tried getting my arms loose..and free from their hold, the killer went to face me, laughing like a manic, "You know...you're really pretty, it's such a shame that I have to end your life."

I head butted this psychopath, making them retreat back a bit, holding their head, resulting in them taking the arm used to keep me pinned, away. I took my chance to kick him in the gut and tried to get up. Before I could even move I felt something slash my leg. "Shit!" I loudly whispered, I kicked him again and got up, barely running away. Natasha was nowhere to be found. I was busy limping through the hallway to the kitchen for a weapon to defend myself with, a kitchen knife would do the trick.

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