Camping (K.F)

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I was busy sitting on Kelly and I's bed, reading an interesting book.
While she was busy at her desk in the corner of our room near the window.

She was finishing a list on what to do around the zoo and what had already been done.
I heard her chair being pushed out, and footsteps coming closer to me but I paid no mind to it as I was captured in the essance of this amazing book.

I felt Kelly sit on the edge of the bed by my legs. My book got closed, getting taken away from me, "Hey! Kelly! I was busy reading that." I said trying to reach for my book only for her to put it behind her.
"Yeah, and I asked you question." Kelly said looking at me in my eyes.
I sighed, "I'm sorry. I didn't hear you. I was too busy-" I got cut off by Kelly, "Busy in your reading? Yeah, I know." Kelly moved up a bit to sit closer to me, "You look adorable when you read." "I do?" I questioned.

Kelly, while grinning, nodded, "Yeah.. You see when ya' read, you kind of like, block the whole world out. You pull your face into different types of emotions. Like when you're reading a romance book you bit your lip a little." She looked at my lips, "When you read a mystery book your eyebrows furrow a bit. It's cute. One of the many things I love about you."
I blushed.
I had no idea I did that, and the fact that Kelly knew that, about me, made my heart race a little, "Thank you. How'd you even notice..I never realized that myself."
I laughed a little.
"I tend to notice everything about you, my love." "That sounds a bit creepy." I laughed and she laughed too.
"Yeah, yeah it does. But I do notice a lot of things about you, baby."

I smiled.

"What is it that you wanted to talk about?" I asked her.
"Oh, um. You know how we have been busy 24/7 with the zoo?" She held my hand giving it a kiss.
"Yeah, what about it? The Zoo's looking amazing, thanks to your hard work."
She smiled, "I was thinking about us going on a trip. A little getaway, with just the two of us." I smiled back at her, "That sounds lovely. Where would we go?"
"Camping." Kelly responded quickly.
"I take it this had been on your mind a long time." I let out a little laugh.
She nodded her head, "Very long." "When do we leave? And how long is this trip of ours?" "Tomorrow night? And how ever long you want it to be, as long as we spend time together and get away from the Zoo for a little while." "I think that's a perfect plan, baby." I kissed her on the lips.
Kelly hummed, "Yeah?" Kelly kissed me again, she slowly started getting between my legs, kissing me.
I nodded my head, pulling her closer to me, "Yeah." I smiled.

I pulled Kelly closer to me, letting our bodies touch, colliding and grinding with one another.
I felt her one hand hold my waist, pinning my body to the bed and her grinding herself on me.

There was a knock at the door.
That we didn't hear.

"Hey, Kelly, Y/N-" they cut themselves off.
Kelly quickly got off of me, leaving me to catch my breath.
"Ben- Benjiman." She stood up from the bed, "Hey, what can we do for you?" Kelly let out a nervous laugh at the end.

I stood up from the bed, standing next to Kelly.
He stood in the doorway, looking between us before answering, "Yeah, um, we just need you to come help Spar take his meds." "Yeah, sure. Sure thing. I'll meet you downstairs."
He nods his head, turning to leave but before he did he looked back, "Oh, and Kelly." He looked at her "Yeah?" She answered. "That's my daughter, remember that. Keep it PG." He said seriously. I rolled my eyes, he keeps trying to intimidate her.
Kelly looked at me and then back at him, "Sure thing, Ben." He gave her one last look before he left the room, closing the door behind him.

Kelly turned to face me, "And now your dad officially hates me." She put her head on my shoulder, hugging me.
"He doesn't hate you." "Yes, he does. He caught us nearly going to have sex." I laughed a little. "Why's that funny to you?" She sounded annoyed. "It's not." I laughed a bit more.
"Now I have to go down and see him." She groaned.
"The faster you get the job done, the faster we can get back to what we were doing."
I whispered in her ear.

She lifted her head from my shoulder and smiled. "I have a job to finish and I'll be seeing you soon." She gave me a kiss.
"Good luck. Work hard." I gave her another kiss before getting back on our bed and picking up my book. "Enjoy your book, baby." "Thanks. I will. Now don't let my dad wait any longer, can't have him hate you even more now, can we?" "He can't hate me even more." She winked at me opening the door and leaving, closing the door behind her.

I laughed to myself, shaking my head.
Oh, how in love I am in with her.

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