*Gamer (N.R)

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Natasha: Gamer, GP

Y/N: Trying to get Natashas' attention.


It's currently 23:45 on a Friday evening.
Natasha has been playing her video games since 18:00 and not once has she taken a break.

She has been glued to her game, her eyes never once left the screen and whenever I came to come convince her to take a break from the screen she replies back with a
'five more minutes'.

I don't mind her playing her games, at all, I completely understand.
She's busy with work and barely gets time to play her favorite games, so I'm mostly okay with it,...mostly. Sometimes it does get a little bit too much though.

I've been craving cuddles from her even more, more so, her attention.
She has the whole weekend to play games and yet she's doing it on Friday, a day that we spend time together, either watching a movie or going for a drive at night by the beach and eating our favorite fast food watching the sunset, maybe even walking on the beach, sometimes even a little dip in the cool ocean water.

I'm walking to Natashas' gaming room, again, to ask when she we could cuddle.
I knocked on the door, and of course, no answer.
Opening the door I see Natasha leaning forward with her elbows on her knees and the controller in her hands, with her fingers moving speadly and skillfully on the joysticks and pressing the buttons to control her characters' movement, with her serious gaming face on.

I went ahead and tapped her on her shoulder causing her to uncover one side of her headphone from her ear.
"Oh, hey, baby. Just give me five more minutes, my love. I'm nearly done playing, I promise." Natasha leaned back, man spreading and putting her hands near her area, still holding the controller and playing her game.
"No, need to rush, Nat. I just came to see if I could sit by you." "Oh, okay, yeah. Sure, you could sit on the couch over there or you can sit-" Natasha sat up and patted her lap, "Over here, on my lap. You pick, baby. I'm perfectly fine with either option, especially the last one." Natasha smirked and patted her lap indicating me to sit down.

I went to go stand in front of Natasha and before I could sit down, she put her hands on my waist, pulling me down to straddle her lap, making us face to face with each other.

We held eye contact whilst I got comfortable on her lap, readjusting myself on top of her, making her glance down at my lips, down to my breasts that were near her face, then back to my eyes.
"Are you comfortable now, baby?", Natasha said looking back down at my lips for a few more seconds then making eye contact with me again.
I nodded, "I'm very comfortable now, Nat. You can continue playing your...games." Natasha just nodded and licked her lips, slighty readjusting in her seat.
I wrapped my arms around her neck and rested my head on her shoulder.
Natasha put her arms around my waist, still holding her controller and continued to play like usual.

After some time I started getting a bit uncomfortable in the position that I was in, so I started shifting and readjusting myself to get comfortable again.
"Stop moving, baby, please-" Natasha groaned, "Fuck. It's hard to concentrate with you grinding on my-", she cut herself off as she found a person to take down and kill. "Yes! I fucking murdered that person only with one head shot too." "I'm happy for you, Nat." I made myself comfortable again, accidentally grinding myself on her crotch.
I heard Natasha let out a soft groan.

"Are you okay, Nat? I didn't hurt you, did I?" She shook her head, "No, no not at all, baby, I was just..sighing, okay? I've been winning the whole night, it does getting tiring at some point, right?" She gave a little laugh at the end.
I hummed in agreement, "Winning does get boring..sometimes. Are you done playing yet?" I asked her looking in her eyes "One more match, baby, please? Then we can cuddle for as long as we want."
"It's fine, Nat, take your time."
I gave her a quick kiss on her lips.
I started to make myself comfortable again, making me and Natashas' bodies collide, grinding against each other.
I felt something hard beneath me, and it was rubbing against me whenever I moved, "Nat?" "Yeah, baby?" I felt Natasha shift a bit beneath me, again, "Are you, um, are you-" "Am I what, detka? If you're going to ask if I'm hard. Yes, I am and don't be surprised because in these past few minutes you have been grinding against me, making me want you more and more as you do so." Natasha said looking straight into my eyes, my cheeks heated up a bit.
"What? Are you all shy now?" Natasha teased me, "Is that right, baby. You look so fucking adorable when you blush." I looked down at our laps, until I felt her hand instantly bringing my head up from facing our laps to facing her, to our eyes connecting and holding eye contact with each other.

Natasha leaned in and placed a kiss on my lips.
The kiss was short and gentle, after a few seconds she pulled away and looked at my face, she smiled and kissed me again this time the kiss was filled with more passion and need for one another.
She let go of her controller go, making it hit the carpet on the ground.

Natasha grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to her. She pulled me against her, her hands went to the bottom of my top and pulled it off of me, leaving me in a shorts and bra sitting on top of her.
Natasha started kissing
down my neck leaving behind some hickies "Natasha." I let out a little moan.
"Baby." Natasha groaned.

I felt Natasha starting to gently squeeze my breasts while kissing them. She slowly pulled away from the kiss, placing her hands back onto my waist to steady us. She leaned forward and got close to my ear, "Let's take this to our room, baby." Natasha rasped in my ear, I nodded in agreement and I felt myself get picked up making me wrap my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck.

Natasha walked us to our bedroom, and placed me down on the soft bed, she started kissing up from my stomach to my boobs to neck to my lips, a sweet kiss, a passionate one turned into a passionate and needy kiss.

Natasha was in between my legs and her hips rested against mine.
I felt her erection rubbing against me through our layers of clothes.

She got up and took off her top showing off her beautiful abs. "You ready for this, detka? Because once I'm done with you, you'll be left whimpering.. begging, for more once I'm done fucking you." Natasha hushed in my ear.
My cheeks blushed a deep shade of red, all I could do was nod in need for her. "Good fuckin' girl." Natasha started kissing down my neck again.
This is going to be a long night, and I am already excited for what she has planned for me.

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