This was all a..dare? (N.R) (Pt.1)

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Natasha: GP, player

Y/N/reader: Getting played???

Today's Thursday which means that school holiday starts tomorrow meaning we don't have to go to school on Friday, thankfully.

I was busy getting ready for school and I got a text from Natasha that read ,"I'm on my way to pick you up, baby." I texted her a quick response, "Okay, I'll see you soon, Nat."

Me and Natasha have been dating for about four months now, we are taking things slow between us, as I am new to relationships..technically she is too...

Some people in school didn't believe it at first when we started dating as Natasha was known as a heartbreaker, a player if I must but, she's changed, well...she is starting to change into a better person for me, that's what she says.

I heard a honk outside indicating that Natasha's here and waiting for me in my driveway.
I practically ran downstairs, opening the door only to find Natasha standing there with a flower in her hand, my favorite flower.

"Hey, baby." Natasha said as she leaned forward to kiss my cheek, "I got you a flower, thought you might like it." she said handing it to me. "Thank you, Nat. I really appreciate it." I said giving her a peck on her lips which turned into her lightly grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to her, deepening our kiss.
"Nat-" all she did was hum in response, I slightly pushed her back, "Nat, we have to get to school. Then after school you have me all to yourself."
"You promise?" "I promise, Nat." I said laughing a little and giving her cheek a kiss as I stepped to the side to grab my bag, Natasha reached for it instead and slung it on her shoulder, she held out her hand for me to take, and I did.
She led us to the car and she opened my door for me then put my bag next to hers in the backseat.
She got into the drivers seat, clipping in her seatbelt.

"Off to hell we go." She said starting up the engine, I laughed shaking my head "What?" She said pulling out of the driveway, putting her hand behind my head rest to look behind her, I just shook my head, "Nothing,'s just that you can be really cheesy sometimes." Natasha removed her hand from behind me and placed it on my cheek, rubbing it gently with her thumb, "I'm only cheesy for you, baby." She said leaning over to give me a quick peck on the lips.

I felt her hand move to my thigh once she moved away and started driving to school. Her thumb was rubbing rotating circles on my thigh making me feel all tingly on the inside.

Arriving at school

Natasha parked her car and looked at me for a few seconds without saying anything. "What?" I said taking off my seatbelt, nervous as to why she keeps looking at me without saying a word. "Nothing, it's just that you're really pretty and all." She said looking into my eyes, glancing at my lips every now and then.

I blushed due to the compliment and her stares.

"I'm being serious. You're even prettier when you blush too." I felt my cheeks go a deeper shade of red, "Thank you, Nat." She nodded smiling, "I really want to kiss you right now." She said leaning forward a bit, letting our foreheads rest against each other, "Then do it. What's stopping you?" I breathed out.
Natasha kissed me and I kissed her back, softly and slowly, she put her hands on my waist pulling me towards her making the kiss gradually get heated.
"We have to get to class, Nat." I said in between kisses, "And we'll get to class when I'm done with you." Natasha said holding me closer, I giggled in this kiss pulling away, "We're going to be late, Nat, I promised after school you have me all to yourself."
"No," she whined, "It's the last day of school the teachers don't give two shits if whether we are here or not." Natasha said pulling her arms away and placing her hands on the steering wheel, "I actually care, thank you, Natalia. On the plus side we have all our classes together, school ends earlier which means we will be home in no time, then you can do whatever you want to do to me." Natasha looked at me after I said the last sentence, "You mean that?" Natasha asked looking at me excited.
I nodded.
"Whatever you want to do with me." I said looking at her eyes, "Well then I can't wait for school to end, come on, detka, don't want to be late, now do we?" Natasha said opening up her car door, she jogged to my side to open the door for me, "You know I could've have done that myself?"
"I know, but you need to save up all the strength and energy you can for tonight." Natasha winked at me and kissed me on my lips before getting our bags from the backseat.

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