008: The more, the merrier

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|Diavolo Tchenkov|

She's fucking impetous and daring, a little too bold and way too fucking fearless.

Fuck, that sounds just about right.

I studied her movements as she straddled him, completely enthralled by her behavior and his eyes captivated by her beauty. Her movements alluring, you couldn't help but focus on each touch she caressed you with, along with those venom icy blue orbs, the danger she reflected sparkled within them. She twirled her knife between her fingers, calculating her next move.

Isadora had two options, a gun or a knife. I threw in that moment when she grabbed the knife, there would be no stopping the monster that I would further mold her to be. The way she dragged the knife, breaking his skin and bathing in his blood turned me the fuck on. I have never come across a woman who indulge in the ability to manipulate someone and then practically thirst for the blood. I saw the lust in her eyes when she sliced his throat, the blood flowing onto her hand without even a thought to retract.

When she did in phase two, that is the true creature she is. Alternating her being as we deprived her food and water, beating her to the point that her body was covered in bruises and she ran unconscious. I expected her to fail in this part, to become human. She practically is far from that; emotions didn't fall in her vocabulary.

When I sent Johnny to initiate the torture, which she referred to as Hulk due to his enormous physique. As soon as he slapped her, she taunted him. A devilish grin appeared and when he started to beat the shit out of her, sinister laughter erupted from her. Not once, for three weeks did I hear her cry out in agony. When she was alone, the laughs wouldn't stop and she would occasionally talk to herself. In that moment, I knew that we could never break her because she is already broken and that is what made her the perfect killing machine.

When you feel nothing, there isn't anything anyone could do to turn your humanity back on, Isadora is the devil's handmaiden, she felt the desire to kill each one on her path even if it isn't necessary. She embraced the darkness, torturing and killing is imprinted into her DNA, the monster under her exotic beauty.

I sat in my office, the inky cushion seat that brought immense comfort to my muscles. I glanced at my watch, 8pm. The night is upon us as I waited for her to awake from slumber, Isadora has been sedated for a month since we wanted her body to heal properly. She did wake up a few times and almost tried to kill my nurses with the tube she had in her nose, talk about being prepared. Although the situation didn't get out of hand, which would have been chaotic.

If she wakes, my guards have instructions to lead her here. Restrains should have been added since the last encounter of when she tried to kill my men in the fucking ice tub, who even has the fucking energy to trick my men and bang their heads against the edge. That's when I came to the conclusion that if she is captured, her lips will never reveal the truth. Isadora will make them run in circles, questioning whether what she says is trustworthy, which will never be.

The sound of a knock rang through the silence. Nikolai walked in, dressed in his midnight blue jeans and black shirt. The casual appearance made him seem human, although his orbs resembled destruction. Niko is malevolent, a complete description of wicked.

"She's outside," he announced.

"Send her in." I stated, looking up from the graphs which illustrated the sales of my cocaine.

Nodding his head, he retreated outside. A few seconds later, she walked in. those bright intoxicating orbs stone cold, which made her appear sexier. She had on ebony leggings that displayed her perky ass and a tight white shirt that accentuated her tits. Long black waves that were cascaded to the side, she walked towards the chair opposite mine.

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