012: Holy shit

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|Isadora Xara|

Walking back into the apartment, my muscles relaxed in the midst of darkness that dawned the hallway. The nerve wrecking hunger that ate at my molecules, burned my core, had been tended to in the wildest fucking way. The moonlight illuminated the penthouse as I made my way to my temporary room. My steps halted when I remembered this man does not like to be kept waiting, with the after-sex glow radiating from my pores, I detoured my movements to his office.

My palm turned the golden knob, the dimly lit office didn't highlight the owner. Silvery blues searching for those magnetic sapphires that drowned in the depths of my soul, this time his muscular figure wasn't in his chair. Scanning the surrounding of his office, the outline of his broad shoulders straining against the white formal shirt . the sleeves were rolled up to his elbow, revealing his milky skin that begged to be licked, the veins that grew prominent each time he clenched his fists. Only this time, his hands resided in inky slacks.

"You're late." His honey dripping voice sternly stated.

The melody of his dominating voice sending jolts of pleasure to my dripping core, its like the beast within me became unleashed after fulfilling my hunger.

"I had something to take care of," I replied, suppressing the moan that wanted to escape my bruised lips.

"You mean you had to take care of your desires," he bluntly replied, prying his figure away from the outskirts of the city.

The murderous glow of crystal blue corrupting my senses, a few buttons were undone which revealed his herculean chest that I begged to scar.

The scorching heat drifting through my bloodstream at his deadly stare, begging to drain the life from my body. That sadistic part of me made my core throb at the thought of his rough body corrupting every inch of mine, burning me alive.

"What does it matter if I followed through with them?" I stated, admitting to his revelation.

Those pupils seemed to dilate at my words, wickedness that exuded behind his lethal glare, displayed his true monstrosity. The mischievous grin that creeped onto his lips, features contoured with rage. He stalked around my posture, like a predator that is ready to display his wrath upon the weak. What he didn't know is that the more villainous he is, the more I ached to claim him as mine.

"What did you find out?" He questioned, halting in front of me as he disrupted my thoughts of devouring his delicious whiskey mouth.

Raising my eyebrow at his calm exterior that still displayed aggravation, "Mr. Delgado had information gathered to him stating that the Cordova's are back after ten years. Apparently, they are buying out other people's stock and taking the dealers, also The Cipriani's have aided them in their time of need, which is how they got back on their feet."

His fucking 6'4 feet height towers over my 5'10 figure. His emotionless state is more disturbing. It only added to my analysis of him, he indulged in the slow burn. Those callous fingers drifted to the strand of onyx that dangled in front of vision, he twirled the strand around his finger before tucking it behind my ear. My mouth parted at his actions, a diabolical grin graced his lips and I knew there will be a horrific outcome when he became this temperamental.

"Is that all?" His fruity voice stated.

Shaking my head, "They also talked about the Tchenkov'sand how they are planning to overthrow him because he is going to start a war with the Greeks. The Tchenkov's want to gain control of each gang. Russian and Italian to take down the Greeks. Mr. Delgado said that he doesn't not want another meaningless war to start again, he is going to inform all the gangs about what Mr. Tchenkov is planning. From my perspective, Mr. Delgado wants to take down The Tchenkov's because they are the most feared and he desires to hold that title." I informed.

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