058: In the midst of it all

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|Isadora Cordova|

Speaking into the ear piece without the part of me not being the reason he is dead.

"Ramsey is dead."

Turning to the exit, I came face to face with the last person I have ever expected. The sight of him brought me to new levels of rage and anger; he killed Ramsey without my permission whatsoever.

"Fucking hell." I growled, pulling out my ear piece and smashing it under my heels.

He is more handsome now, taunting and evil; all the things I love. Signature onyx slacks that clung to his thighs and a matching formal shirt that had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, revealing his many veins that stuck out. His hand held something that answered my question, the gun that killed Ramsey. He tucked it behind him, probably into his pants.

What captured my attention wasn't his thick beard or the growls that escaped his lips. What captivated me are those haunting sapphires that sucked my soul. They were filled with fury and violence which infuriated me further; he didn't have the right to be mad at me.

"Diavolo, what the fuck are you doing here?"

"Take off that shit." Diavolo hissed, motioning to my wig and contacts.

Rolling my eyes, I reluctantly did as I was told because my eyes hurt from the contacts and the wig was starting to make my head itch. My natural hair sat on my shoulders as I ruffled them out, Diavolo watching me with determined eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I growled throwing the shit on the floor.

Diavolo wasn't phased in the least, instead he entered the room. "You know exactly what I am doing here."

I knew the fucking answer but I didn't think it would become a reality. Diavolo wouldn't do it, he would sabotage me.

"Tell me you didn't."

He didn't utter a word but clench his jaw, even through his beard I could pick up the way his entire body turned to stone. The truth is quite evident in his demeanour.

"Diavolo, tell me you weren't the one that stole the other half of the drugs and set the alarms off. Tell me you didn't come here to kill Ramsey." I said all those things knowing that each word is true and clarification wasn't needed when it came to Diavolo.

Diavolo didn't say a word but the way his lips pulled together and his jaw hardening. I knew the truth, it was all him. He started to close the distance between us, his spiced cologne started to swirl within me and feel nostalgic. He held my gaze, the wicked side peeking through. I couldn't help but feel even more vengeful, pushing him away from me.

"Dammit! Diavolo! You could have ruined everything. Why the fuck would you do all that?"

We were both fuelled with fire, it intensified each time we encountered each other and now the scales were off the charts.

"For you to come back," he sternly stated, I stared at him annoyed, he knew better.

Pushing past him, I walked down the hall in an attempt to get away but that sadly failed. He gripped my wrist and pulled me into another room similar to the other one; only without a dead body.

Diavolo closed the door behind us while I growled at him.

"I can't fucking come back, you cunt."

Diavolo's features expressed displeasure in my words and he walked further towards me.

"Why not? Bane sent you on a death mission and Ramsey was about to have sex with you."

I scoffed. "Don't you fucking realize that I can't come back. With regards to Ramsey, it was the only way to kill him without suspicion but you fucking handled that perfectly didn't you?"

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