064: Us, finally

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|Isadora Cordova|

A week has passed and we eventually escaped the bed. With much protest from both parties but the restoration of my empire has to come first and start somewhere. We have yet to announce it to the rest of the family and Diavolo decided that an annual dinner should be the perfect way to break the news.

Although Alysanne knew, she had a knack for picking up on secrets. What surprised me the most is that she offered to come with me, pestering me is more accurate, I wouldn't admit it but I was glad she did because Alysanne is the one person who knew the business like a child knew the alphabets. Many underestimated Alysanne; she wasn't a person to brag if that wasn't that obvious. Alysanne can single-handedly take down anyone's empire, no matter the ranking. There are things about Alysanne that no one knows, terrifying things.

Diavolo had been secretive in this coming week, taking calls out of the room or texting at midnight. I could pass it off as anxiousness because of my departure but let's face it; I go to the worst case scenario first. Shoot now, questions later kind of girl. I didn't let that little debacle weigh my mood down tonight, surprisingly they grew to become my family.

Since family for me was never defined by blood but the love we all share, I didn't think I would hold enough space in my heart for this many people. However, it happened. I made my own family.

Sloane, Elias, Ryker, Lorenzo and Alia joined the little circle, Diavolo had been sort of sceptical but the girls instantly dampened his doubts. They all got along well, Sebastian hitting on both the girls at any given opportunity. Kind of hilarious to watch him get rejected multiple times. However, the same couldn't be said for Wolfe and Alia.

Those two were quite a pair, glaring at each other from opposite ends of the table. The attraction is quite evident: they had this dark aura around them that drew the other to each other.

Katarina brought the babies back and I was ecstatic, needing to see them before I leave. Ziana and Corvina are the friendliest babies you would ever meet; honestly, I would kill for them. When they grow up, I am certain that they would raise hell with their beauty, attracting every male on the planet, god help their fathers. Diavolo is quite protective of the pair; he treats them like his own.

Engaging in every conversation or play time they initiate. Azarov is possessive as fuck while Zion is more care free, for now. Something changed between Azarov and Alysanne, in the beginning he would burn holes into her skull whenever she played with Corvina but now, he instantly handed the baby to Alysanne. Who didn't mind in the slightest, prepping her on her hip.

The table is rowdy as we all gather to eat the delicious food prepared by Diavolo's chefs; people would assume that it is Thanksgiving with the amount of food.

Diavolo made me sit at the head which I was astonished by, that's his seat and he insisted that I take it. He took the seat on my left and the small gesture made me burst into tears, thankfully I composed myself in private before reappearing. I didn't need to ruin my makeup on such an important occasion. Everyone is happy, for the first time the storm settled and we allowed ourselves to soak in the sunshine.

All of them are busy conversing with each other, "Gosh! I think I would look so hot as a wife. Not that I'm hot now." Varvara breathily said as all of them looked at Katarina and Zion.

"Wait, so Katarina is Zion's first love?" Alysanne curiously asked as the married couple looked at her.

Sebastian quickly replied, "Yup! Zion was all over Katarina! Even when they got married, she'd go all beast mode when other girls—"

Nadrielle laughed, "God forbid bitches that'll flirt to Zion in front of Katarina. She'll skin them alive and wear it as a fur."

Katarina then turned to her husband and looked at him, dead in the eye. "In a heartbeat, I would. Right, baby?" a hint of venom lacing her delicate voice.

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