044: Goddesses have fun too

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|Isadora Xara|

Honestly, this is becoming a recurring thing that I do not enjoy. The throbbing in my head, pulsating throughout my body, urging me to fall back into the blank state. I couldn't succumb to that state, resisting the ache in my body to give up. Slowly, things seemed to flood back and my consciousness gave into my power. The sound of wind drowned my ears, along with laughter and loud music. Curiously, feminine voices contributed which sounded oddly familiar. Lights flushed through my lids, fresh scent of salt water tickling my nose. The voices became hushed and close to the point that I heard there breathing. Opening my eyes, the first thing in my vision is Nadrielle all up in my fucking face.

"SHE'S AWAKE!" Nadrielle screams, probably busting my ear drums in the process. Groaning, I clutched my hands over my ears from the sound, attempting to subside the pounding in my head.

Alysanne laughed as she came towards me, "Fucking finally, weak bitch!"

I mumbled bitch under my breath, directed towards her. Staring up, I found us on the flat screen TV hung atop the marbled roof. There were mirror sliding doors behind that, on my left is an ebony and metal staircase. Placing my feet off the fossil sofa bed that is rounded, the wooden coconut coloured floorboards gracing under my feet. On either side of the sofa are golden candles, encased in glass cylinders, laying upon dark chocolate boards. We were concealed with milky covers but the breeze of the ocean caused goosebumps to arise.

Turning my attention towards Nadrielle, who sat next to me with a swirl of orange, cherry, indigo and various other colours contained in a cocktail glass, which also had a tiny pink umbrella adorned in the crushed ice. Raising my eyebrow at her relaxed demeanour, she took another two sips before clarifying my thoughts, "Sex on the beach." Motioning her drink upwards in my direction, I was about to take a sip before the crashing of waves vividly flooded my ears.

Staring past Nadia, the outskirts are dipped in darkness and the waves seemed to brighten as we went by. Am I fucking dreaming because they did not fucking do what I think they did. Closing my eyes, hoping this is a dream, I reopened them believing to be back in the kitchen but instead I am faced with the same scenery.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE WE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN?" I yelled, my composure cracking.

None of them are phased by my outburst, more cheers and dancing continued while they walked further towards me. Varvara opened my palm and placed a creamy coloured cocktail into my grasp, taking a sip the rum, pineapple and coconut gracing my tastebuds with a much needed stress reliever. Downing the pina colada instantly brought upon a brain freeze which I didn't mind, it subsided the pain that ran across my head and replaced it with chill.

My empty drink is replaced with strawberry daiquiri and this time I savoured the delicious taste and the alcohol to numb my nerves. After a few sips, the girls hurdled closer around me with grins upon their lips. Scowling at them, I sighed in exhaustion and irritation that is directed towards them.

"Explain to me why the fuck I am on a yacht, in the middle of fucking nowhere?"

That is somehow funny because they all burst out laughing, while I raised my brow at their erratic behaviour. They were still wearing the same clothes that I saw them with and then I realised that they indeed changed my workout clothes to a black oversized shirt. My hair rested past my jaw, I took my band and tied half of my hair into a bun, leaving the rest down. A few strands peeked out, as I flattened them to frame my face.

Continuing to sip my cocktail that started to ease the anger boiling in my blood. Okay, maybe not anger but more irritation. Alysanne and the others seemed to bond perfectly, all in their own bubble which made me quite envious that they seemed to have everything together, unlike me. Nadia threw her arm around my shoulder, "Well, seems you like my specialty," pointing at my drink.

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